The Snowmen

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When Teresa landed, she almost went flying right into the Tardis console. She had been on an adventure with Rose and Ten, involving a one-eyed hag, a four-legged chicken, and a toothbrush. Yes, a toothbrush. It sounded hilarious, but it was actually terrifying and she had honestly feared for her and her friends' lives as they'd sprinted as fast as they could for the Tardis.

Of course, that was when the light had wrapped around her, dragging her away right when they'd spotted the Tardis across the salt-concentrated ocean and started to run over the top of the sea. Now that was another sentence you didn't say every day. All in all, Teresa was completely out of breath as she clung onto the side of the console, stopping herself from barreling right into it as the light released her. Although she didn't quite manage to stop herself from smacking her leg into the console.

The blonde girl rubbed her knee absently, wincing slightly as she glanced around curiously. It was probably going to bruise but as she took in her surroundings she quickly forgot about the pain. A different kind of worry gripped her as she looked around the dark Tardis. It was lit only by dim, blue lights from the console and time rotor itself, and from the faint light she could just make out the futuristic design that indicated this was Clara's Eleven. But why was it so dark?


Teresa whipped around, startled, to see the Doctor looking up at her in surprise from his spot on the bottom step in one corner of the room, dropping the book he had been reading onto his lap.

"Doctor?" Teresa asked worriedly as she glanced around. "What happened?"

His face dropped, the surprise fading away and his expression sinking into despair. Teresa took a step towards him in alarm, her eyes examining him as sharply as they'd examined the Tardis. She took in Amy's round spectacles perched on his nose, the purple, velvet waistcoat, and noticed his missing bow-tie.

"Oh, Doctor." Teresa sighed as she realized when this was, walking over quickly and meeting his sorrowful green eyes. She bent down to hug him and he quickly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her down onto his lap as he set his book aside.

"I'm so sorry, Doctor." Teresa murmured as she hugged him gently, but he shook his head, burying his face into her neck.

"Please." He whispered brokenly. "Just for now... call me by my name. The name you know, and have always known."

She paused in surprise at the request. But she would never deny him anything when he sat there looking so sad, so Teresa leaned in, bending her head so that her mouth was right by his ear as she murmured softly: "I'm sorry, Theta."

It was his turn to pause before he clutched her even tighter and pushed his face into her hair. Teresa raised her hands, brushing her fingers softly through his hair as she whispered small words of comfort for the broken-hearted Doctor.

"Theta," Teresa murmured at last, "how long has it been?"

He remained silent, and she nudged him gently, asking: "Theta?"

"About... a year..." He sighed, and she nodded.

"And you've been alone the whole time?" She asked sadly, and he sighed again.

"Yes." He murmured. "It was the longest that you were away."

"I'm sorry." Teresa said guiltily. "I would never have wanted you to be alone at a time like this... I'm sorry, Theta."

"It's not your fault." He murmured as he sighed into her hair. "You're here now... and that's all that matters. That's all I ever need."

She frowned, but at that moment the phone rang.

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