New Earth

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Teresa reappeared, and she smiled as she did. She was starting to get used to this, and it wasn't giving her quite such a headache anymore, just a dull sort of pain. It disappeared quickly though as her eyes focused on her new surroundings and she saw she was by a huge river.

She could see a city across the river, and cars zoomed about above her head. Her eyes widened and she grinned, having a feeling she knew where she was.


She turned to see the Doctor and Rose sitting on the Doctor's trench coat. She smiled, waving and heading over although she noticed a distinct difference right away.

Both of them were smiling at her brightly, but both held tension in their eyes and they sat almost stiffly apart. Teresa's own smile faltered slightly as she saw them, wondering what was wrong. But Rose jumped up to give her a hug and she returned it quickly, having missed the blonde companion. The last time for her had been Christmas dinner, and it seemed ages ago although it was pretty recent for these two.

"So." Teresa began lightly as Rose pulled her down to sit with her and the Doctor. Teresa noticed, uncomfortably, that Rose had placed her in the middle, between her and the Doctor, once again making her alarmed internally. What was wrong with them? She tried to stay cheerful as she asked: "Year five billion?"

"Five billion and twenty three." The Doctor corrected with a grin. She saw that he'd relaxed some now that she was between him and Rose, and ironically that made her even more worried.

Teresa quickly sniffed and she asked with a small smile: "Apple grass?"

"Apple grass." Both of them agreed as they laughed.

Teresa smiled as she saw some of the tension leave both of their faces, and the Doctor asked her lightly: "And? Where've you come from?"

"All in your future, I'm afraid." Teresa chuckled, and Rose asked curiously: "How long's it been for you since you saw us?"

"It's been a few weeks actually." Teresa admitted. "I've been travelling now for just over a month now."

"Now that is something." Rose marveled. "It sounds so long for you, and yet it's been a year for me since I first saw you."

Rose smiled as she finished and Teresa laughed.

"Well, that's in my future, so I look forward to it." She winked, making Rose laugh again while the Doctor grinned at the easy way she spoke about her travelling now.

Teresa then looked around and she asked: "Have you explained about New New York?"

Immediately, the Doctor and Rose's faces filled with tension again.

"Yup." The Doctor said shortly.

Teresa tried to stay light as she hummed: "Mm, are we going to visit? It must be something."

Rose chuckled as she added: "So good they named it twice."

"More like fifteen times." Teresa joked along and they laughed.

The Doctor chuckled as well as they all stood up, the Doctor picking up his jacket as he did, and he admitted: "Well, I thought we might go there first."

He nodded at a pair of curved skyscrapers standing a little way off from where they stood. On the side was a painted green crescent moon.

"Why, what is it?" Rose asked, sounding both curious and annoyed.

Teresa glanced at her with a frown while the Doctor replied shortly: "Some sort of hospital. Green moon on the side. That's the universal symbol for hospitals. I got this."

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