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Katsuki folds his lithe arms across his chest in a manner of confrontation but Izuku doesn't seem even the slightest bit intimidated by the display which, as one could imagine, pisses Katsuki off to no end. Back in the day, a single glare from Katsuki would have been enough to have Izuku cowering with his metaphorical tail between his legs but now the alpha just stands there, staring him down with an air of amusement as if Katsuki's attempt at being scary was a joke.

He's so fucking annoying.

It's bad enough that he's being a little shit but now he's somehow managed to rope Katsuki into his egotistical bullshit for the third or fourth time that night. It would be a different story if Dabi had actually been bothering anyone but Izuku was the one keen on starting a fist fight in the middle of the party for no reason at all. If those two meatheads had some sort of personal beef to settle between the two of them then they could settle it in the ring and not at Katsuki's home where they were supposed to be enjoying themselves. 

"What the hell is wrong with you, pickin' fights with every fuckin' body?!" He finally explodes after a long moment of brewing silence, hands flying about incredulously  as he's visibly irked by Izuku's behavior. The alpha turns his nose up at him like the giant man-child that he is.

"Funny you should ask. Sounds a lot like someone I used to know." 

Used to? 

"This isn't about me!" 

Deku bristles at him. "Fucking whatever! Don't act like this is my fault when you're the one parading and dancing around in my face with my rival! If anything, you're the one starting fights."

Is he fucking serious?

"Are you out of your mind?! I don't owe you shit, Deku! And I will dance, date, or fuck whoever the fuck I fuckin' want!"

They stare each other down for all of ten seconds before Katsuki yields with a suffering sigh, wiping a hand over his face to keep himself from yanking at his hair in all of his frustration. 

"Look. Could you maybe be less of an ass? For the party—for my mom who put so much work into this? Please." 

"Wow! A please from Katsuki Bakugou?!" 

"Oh my fuckin' God! Could you be any more of a damn child, you shitty nerd?!" 

"You yelled at me earlier and now you want a favor from me?" 

"I yelled because you were being a dick!" 

"Takes one to know one." 

"Fucking die! God, I hate you!" 

Izuku laughs—he laughs and it sends a simmering heat to the depth of Katsuki's very being. 

He's not hot, he's not.

Nothing about this nerd is attractive. 

Katsuki definitely didn't want to jump his bones or some ridiculous shit like that. 

"Hey boys, you busy?" Masaru interrupts, poking his head into the hallway that Katsuki had dragged Izuku into in order to scold him. Izuku responds to the older alpha with a smile. "No way, Mr. B. What's up, did you need somethin'?"

Masaru returns his smile with a gentle one of his own. "I told you to just call me Masaru, son. I was wondering if you two boys wouldn't mind making a store run to grab some more drinks and chips. We're running a little low outside and your mother and I have had way too much to drink to be driving." 

Which is just a really polite way of saying that Mitsuki is sloppy drunk and that leaving her to herself was a bad idea.

"Sure, we'll go get it." 

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