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It felt awfully surreal to be standing there, breathing in that familiar small town air that sent a sense of nostalgia thrumming through Katsuki's chest. He wasn't sure of how to feel about going back at first but in that moment, he was sure that nothing compared to returning home after a long journey away.

Although, he'd probably be a lot more excited about it if he wasn't stranded on the side of the road just outside of his childhood town with a blown tire and a smoking hood. He should've known that things wouldn't go as smoothly as he had needed them to. Everything about this town was just a motley of his least greatest moments, after all.

He sighed and raised the hood of his '08 Ford Focus with twitching hands, incredibly annoyed with the universe and the nice big 'fuck you' that he seemed to be recieving today. It wasn't enough that over 50% of his boxed belongings had 'accidentally' been taken by his roommate at uni or that some asshole had tried to run him off of the road earlier but he had to make it home-make it just outside of the city limit just for his fucking car to hate him too.

For all of this trouble, maybe he should have just stayed in Los Angeles.

Steam and smoke hit him almost immediately upon lifting the hood, forcing him to crane his head back from the offending scent-fanning and coughing as the smell of burning oil assaulted his poor nostrils. Ever more unfortunately for him, he can't even remember the last time that he'd gotten an oil change and quite frankly he didn't know jack-shit about changing tires.

"Great. Just fucking great."

And at this hour, he'd be lucky if anyone would be passing through his little podunk hometown. He'd be better off calling a tow but fuck, he didn't have the money to be paying them to come all the way out to Bum-Fuck Nowhere just to tow him a couple miles into town.

He may as well just sleep in his fuckin' car.

Kicking the front bumper in a fit of frustration, he slams the hood shut with rattling force and growls as he rounds the car and swings the passenger door open to reach in and grab his cell phone. Maybe he could call his mom or something-though he'd much rather end up sleeping in his car than to hear the hag nagging him about how he should already know how to change a tire or some shit.

A low, rumbling noise pulls Katsuki out of his musings and he immediately recognizes the sound as a vehicle coming up the road ahead. He quickly shuffles back out of the car, accidentally knocking his head against the rim on the way out and hissing in pain as he spots the dramatically bright headlights coming up the road. He hurriedly slams the door shut and waves his arms over his head, praying that whoever it was would be kind enough to have mercy on him and at least help him change this stupid goddamn tire.

"Hey! Over here!"

He could hear loud bass thumping as the car approaches and he doubts that they would be able to hear him over their own noise, so he bounces and jumps around in hopes to grab their attention when the car-a Maserati GranTurismo-shoots past him, not slowing down even a little bit. Katsuki spits at them, spitefully flipping the driver off as they pass him by.


And as if the driver had heard him, they come to a halt as they nearly approach the end of the road, brake lights like angry red eyes in the dark before the car comes gliding back in a smooth reverse and settles once Katsuki could see his reflection in the dark tinted windows. The blonde sighs in relief, ready to passive aggressively thank his savior when the window rolls down and he decides he'd have most certainly been better off sleeping in his car.

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