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Due to reasons of decency but also reasons of privacy, I will not share the exact images here. I will merely describe them. And oh boy, are they strange. 

Most are memes and numerous black-and-white photos appearing to be downloaded directly from the internet. Some have watermarks or rips or cracks evident. Several images are blurred or depict what can only be assumed are crime scenes or accidents, however, most appear to be innocent photos of the world, early examples of "candid shots." Several others appear to be downloads of creepypasta images, such as "teeth.jpg" and two variants of the "Smile dog" image. A very fast gif is also contained appearing to contain images of scenes from old horror films or art pieces.  Several more are quotes from such figures as Marquis de Sade, who, from the context, can be inferred to be an Enlightenment thinker. Several others include quotes from Shakespeare, and several quotes about heartbreak are observed. Additionally, the beginning frame of the aforementioned gif is shown.

Moving on, another gif depicts a scene from the show "American Horror Story: Asylum" where Sister Jude slaps Sister Mary Eunice with a cane. From there, the images delve into memes about the Bible and hypocrites, and several saints. Following that, the meme about Marquis de Favras' last words, and numerous obscene images so revolting I wish not to discuss them except in the umbrella term of "fetish images."

After this, come several images of records of many different persons on many different dates. They appear to be mostly court records and insurance information, but also included is a list of criminal records.

The recently deleted folder contained mostly random images that appear to have been accidentally taken, and none of people.

The only other media contained (besides hidden images, and from the images that I have seen that aren't hidden, I don't want to know) is an MP3 file of a cover of "Life on Mars" being sang by a woman with an indiscernible accent, and several notes, which have nothing of note contained therein.

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