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It was already past 12:00 p.m. Henry was laying in his bed asleep, while Patrick stayed on the floor, still awake. It was still raining pretty hard. Patrick could hear Henry's heavy breathing as he slept... He sat up and looked over at the dirty blonde haired boy, wondering why they had been fighting so much lately. He felt as if they were drifting apart, that being something he never wanted to happen. Henry's gotten Patrick through some pretty dark stuff. Especially when Patrick's younger sister died.

Chloe had been kidnapped a year ago. Her body was found about 4 months ago in the barrens. She was only 10 when she had both her arms ripped right off of her. It looked like she got eaten alive by.... something... Patrick teared up, the image of her lifeless body at the morgue sent chills down his spine. He stood up and pushed Henry over towards the wall and laid next to him. Henry groaned and slowly opened his eyes "What the fuck Patr-.." he paused and sighed once he saw the tears falling down Patrick's cheek "Ya thinkin' about Chloe?" Patrick nodded a bit and Henry wrapped his arms around him, rubbing his back slightly "it's ok Pat... just think... she was lucky enough to get to leave this sick world! She's probably having so much fun right now... wherever she is..." Patrick started crying. "She was probably I-In so.. much.. pain.. You know she wasn't like me Henry.. she didn't take pain the way I do... I know she suffered.. I just know it.. sh-she didn't deserve it.. she was so sweet.. so innocent..." Henry sighed once again "yeah but she's ok now..." Patrick looked away "how do you know that Henry?! How???" Henry frowned "I don't know.."

Patrick sat up and buried his face in his hands as he sobbed loudly. Henry also sat up and continued to hug him "I'm so sorry Patrick..." Henry rubbed his back and laid his head on Patrick's shoulder as Patrick continued to cry. Henry's dad could be heard rummaging through there kitchen a few rooms away.

About ten minutes later Patrick wiped his tears away "thanks hen...." Henry nodded and continued to hug him "you're welcome..." Patrick finally hugged back and yawned. He pulled away and laid down, staying in Henry's bed. Henry laid down and wrapped his arms around Patrick again. Patrick turned around so his back was facing Henry. Henry grinned and gently kissed Patrick's neck. Patrick flinched slightly and groaned "Henry I'm trying to sleep... and I already told you... I'm not! Gay!" Henry laughed "I'm not gay..." Patrick rolled his eyes "fine hockstetter... not tonight..." Henry laughed and Patrick growled "not tonight... not tomorrow night... never Henry... never.." Henry frowned and pulled away. Patrick groaned "I said I don't wanna have sex or kiss not that I don't wanna cuddle..." Henry smirked and wrapped his arms around him again "my names patrick and I'm not gay but I sure do love cuddling with GUYS..." they both laughed "cuddling isn't gay..." Henry laughed harder "Patrick your ass is pressed against my dick... and you don't think that's gay?" Patrick blushed "it's not gay! And even if I were gay and we... did stuff... I wouldn't be the one getting fucked in the ass..." Henry smirked "oh really?" Patrick nodded "can we not talk about this? I'm really tired...." Henry nodded and closed his eyes. A few minutes later they were both asleep.

The next morning around 12;30 Henry woke up, his dad was already at work. Henry looked over at Patrick and smirked. He slid his hand down to Patrick's dick and rubbed him gently through his boxers. Patrick woke up and fell off the bed "what the fuck bowers that's like the fifth time this month!!!...Can't you just wake me up like normal people would?!!!!!" Henry shook his head "nope" Patrick stood up and growled "I don't want your grimy hands on my dick!!! I'm not gay!!! And I never will be!" Henry loved how riled up Patrick got "fine.... I'll stop..." he knew he'd do it again but oh well. Patrick stood up and stormed off into the kitchen, Henry followed.

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