Chapter 38

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(Narrator's POV):

Explosion. That's just it. There's a huge explosion, sending the place up in flames. The ground starts to shake, and the ceiling starts to crumble while piercing screams echo around the lair. Slade grabs Y/N's hand, and pulls her out of the room, into the dense space outside, where there's chaos... everywhere. 

In the distance, Slenderman and his army as fighting vigorously. Blood is everywhere, and that's when Y/N sees it. Toby. She stares at him, as he fights, his inner monster taking over. Toby changed. A lot. His eyes were almost glowing amber, and he was running faster than ever before. He sliced anything in his path and screamed. Not in pain, but in lust. In the lust for blood, for homicide. He ran towards Zalgo, who was also doing so the same. Zalgo cut through the crowd, killing anyone in his path, including his own proxies. 

Y/N knew the proxies well. She knew the outcome of this event. When anyone got angry, they would kill, but someone angry while killing is extremely different than someone who knows their strategy to kill. A strategy was what they lacked, but Zalgo lacked something too. Power. True power. Y/N hopelessly watched as Toby ran towards Zalgo, knowing she couldn't reach them him in time, and that's when it happened. 

(Y/N's POV):

I run toward Toby, crying. He couldn't do it. Only my powers were a match against Zalgo's, but Slade did something, that I could never forgive myself for. Zalgo threw a ball of fire, to Toby, attempting to kill him, but it never happened. Slade jumped in the way, and it hit him. Now, this wasn't normal for Zalgo's demons. They could withstand the dark flames, but the flames were still deadly, and t it ended up making Slade freeze. Not physically, but mentally. 

Slade stood still, as the ground shook harder. I knew what was happening to him. All his memories, from when he was a human, came flooding back to him, and Toby and I watched in reverence, as he whispered something. Something which seemed to now be familiar to him. It was his name. His REAL name. 'Adrien Damon McArthur'. 

'We have killed most of his proxies, and we have gotten Y/N. Now we must leave.' Slender's voice ringed throughout our minds.

"Not, yet."

(Toby's POV):

Zalgo appeared and lept onto Y/N, as she screamed and thrashed around. Anger coursed through my veins, as I watched this event unfold. I ran towards Zalgo, my hatchets in hand, but he saw me just in time, and used his other hand, to slam me against the wall, making me weak. I couldn't move. My arms and legs felt numb, and that's when I realized it. Since I couldn't feel physical pain, Zalgo injected me with a chemical, making me temporarily paralyzed.

All I could do was scream. The scream ripped through my throat, making my neck sore, but I would do anything, anything... for Y/N.

(Narrator's POV):  

Y/N screamed, and writhed in pain, as Zalgo stuck a fragment of stone into her hand, therefore pinning her right hand to the ground. Blood oozed out of the gash, making her cringe at the sight. She tried to use her powers, but she was just too weak. There had to be something to power her. The last time there was an outburst of power, it was from anger. Now she needed something else... but what?

Y/N then let out a bloodcurdling scream, her vocals shredding out, and making her choke on her own blood. Zalgo chuckled darkly as he slowly cut open her torso, and dug his claws in, spilling blood. That was it. Y/N was slowly being tortured, as she started to drown in her own blood and tears. As she attempted to let out another merciless scream, Zalgo twisted her left leg, and her left arm, so much, that the sounds and cracks made a disturbing sound. 

He then turned his claws in her appendix, as she writhed around. He then lifted up his other hand to kill you, but Toby screamed something, that made Zalgo distracted.

"D-don't h-h-hurt... DON'T HURT HER YOU REVOLTING CORRUPTED MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Toby's earsplitting voice echoed around the place, the sound wave mercilessly hitting every possible surface, revealing Toby's agony.

Zalgo then looked up, his eyes meeting Toby's and sending daggers into his. "How. Dare. YOU!" He lunges for Toby, as Y/N tries to yell. "Toby... no.."

She couldn't. She was too weak. She watched helplessly as Zalgo and Toby fought. Toby threw a punch at Zalgo but ended up breaking his wrist. Zalgo managed to stab Toby with a claw, but he didn't feel it. Toby then swung around, and stuck one of his hatchets into Zalgo's neck, making Zalgo growl. He then pulled it out and tossed it aside. Later he caught Toby off guard and grabbed him by the neck. 

Then he lifted Toby up, as you slowly watched the life drain from his eyes. This triggered you. This triggered everything. 

You slowly stood up and stared into Zalgo's surprised eyes. Then he dropped Toby to the ground. You ran up to Toby and held him close. "Toby, Toby, look at me... look at me! Please!"

This wasn't happening. Toby couldn't die. Slender's proxies were immortal, right? They were immortal RIGHT?! You sobbed and held onto him for life. "Please, Toby... don't leave me... please..."  He then slowly turned his big amber eyes to you.

"L-l-lis-listen... t-to... m-m-" He starts to cough up blood, and his breath shortens. "Ev-every-th-thing... i-is g-g... going t-to b-be-... o-ok-" He again started to cough on his blood, this time his breath shortening even more, as you hold him, crying hard. 

"P-please T-toby... look at me. D-don't die one m-me, p-please... what will I do w-without you..." You softly state, and lean down, and gently lay a kiss on his forehead, and caress his cheek. 

'Child! Lay him against the ground! He is losing too much blood!' Slender's voice booms, as he runs over. 

You gently lay him in your lap, trying to stop the agonizing tears from pouring through. You gently touch his cheek but feel your fingers vigorously shake against it. This was sheer pain. Zalgo was staring at you, grinning. You then couldn't hold it back and let your heart rip through, as Toby took his last breaths. 

"Y-Y/N... l-look a-at m-m-me... th-this isn't... o-over... I l-love... y-y-ou~" He again started coughing, this time more violently, and coughs up bits of flesh and blood. 

You watched as his blood dripped from your hands... and your sanity was gone. Your mind was too empty, for you to say anything, and it started filling with something new. Something strong enough to power your inner demon. They DARE touch your Toby. They DARE hurt him. They had laid their hands upon the ONLY thing keeping you SANE. They spilled HIS blood in front of YOUR eyes... and now... THEY. WILL. PAY!!!

Tragedy [Ticci Toby x Reader] - 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐘 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆Where stories live. Discover now