Oceane POV
"You look good." Christian said to me as we entered.

"Not too bad yourself," I said. I took his hand and guided him out to the dance floor. I wrapped my around his neck and swayed to the beat.
"Look Danny has plans." He said.
"Yeah? Are you allowed to say anything?" I asked.
"Watch your back and who you trust. Danny has rats everywhere."

"Why so cryptic Christian?"
"I want to help. I really do but... It's difficult Oceane. It's not easy."

"Come on... Just tell me a little bit." I traced my finger down his chest.

"The last man, isn't a man at all. But a woman. No one knows who she is. She's the only one that has power over Danny."

"Right..." I looked over to the bar and saw Drew and Emma together, on the other side, Flynn.

"So anyone?" I continued.

"Basically...as soon as I know you'll know."
I nodded.

Drew POV
"Want to dance?" I asked Emma standing up.

"I thought you would never ask." She smirked.

I took her hand and led her out through the mass of people.
She swayed in time to the music as I held her waist.
"This is nice..." She said.
"Yeah..." I smiled at her.
I saw Oceane talking to Christian over the crowd of people. But something else caught my eye.

Max Harefield.

Cut and bruised, probably from the explosion.

"That son of a b*tch " I said

"What's wrong?" Emma asked.

I placed my chin on her shoulder so I was next to her ear. "At 8 o'clock there is a man. Covered in cuts and bruises. He was the guy who shot me and tried to kill Oceane."

She quietly gasped.

"You need to get out of here. Now." I kissed her cheek and gently directed her to Flynn.

I walked over to the other side of the bar and as I did so I removed my tie.

"Gin and tonic please. But send it the girl in the silver dress." I nodded Oceanes way.

"Wrap this around the glass and please, be quick." I handed her my tie

"Yes, sir." Said the girl behind the bar.
She hurried away and I quickly gained my eyes back on max. Definitely him.

Oceane POV
"Excuse me miss?" Said a waitress.


"This game from the man at the bar."
"Thank you." I took it and sniffed the beverage.
Gin and tonic. Something's going on. Drew's tie too.

"Thank you for such a great time, but I really must go." I placed my hand on his cheek and lightly kissed his lips.

Walking towards the bar with some stride in my step, I saw a man coming towards me.
Covered in cuts, gashes and bruises.
Loads of flashes went through my mind. Remembering what he did to me. The knife against my throat...
I started to hyperventilate.

I looked at Drew who had now seen how close he was to me. And he quickly came to me and grabbed my arm. We walked through the people and dashed out through the back.

"Oceane?" Drew said
The last thing I saw was the ground as I collapsed.

Drew POV
"Oceane!?" I said with panic.
I pulled out my phone and called Flynn. "Oceane's collapsed get the car around the back now." I hung up and picked her up off the ground and carried her to the Main Street.

My car screeched up and Emma opened the door.

"What happened?!" Said Flynn as I quickly got in beside him.

"She saw Max and flipped. We need to get her to the hospital, now."

Emma POV
Flynn drove recklessly down the high way to get the hospital. Oceane lay across the back seat with her head on my lap.

I opened up my bag and pulled out some makeup wipes and cleaned her face. I had a spare hair tie on my wrist and tied up her hair. I stroked her head and kept a check on her pulse. We came to a halt outside the hospital, Flynn got out and took her from me.

"Park up, I'll get her inside." He said with urgency. I climbed into the front and Drew started to drive.

Flynn POV

"Please help! She was in a coma a few weeks ago and now she's just collapsed." I said to the woman in outpatients reception.

"Yes, straight away sir!" The woman called some nurses and a stretcher over. I placed her down on it and the paramedic said "are you immediate family sir?"

"No, but she doesn't have any family around!"

"I'm sorry sir please stay out here." They wheeled her away.

Saving Emma: The Art Of Falling. Book 6Where stories live. Discover now