Flynn POV

"Oceane?" I said on the phone.

"Flynn? Are you alright?" she answered.

"Yeah yeah. Apart from the confrontation I just had with Danny and his henchmen." 

"Same here. Apart from it was just a henchman."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." She said

"We... have to talk when you get back."

Oh God.

This isn't good.

"Okay.. I'll be there in 5."

Oceane POV

I sprayed the room continuously with deodorant to get rid of the smoke scent that lingered in the air. He smoked out the window but some of it still remained. Sweeping up the glass, I found the ring and placed back on my finger. But the middle one. I don't know if this is the right path for us. I love him, don't get me wrong but he is just the complete opposite if me. I love him for that though but sometimes he's just sooo extra. 

I feel awful about what happened with Christian. You see, the thing is, I could have stopped, I could have moved. But I didn't... I have to tell Flynn. I have never kept a secret from him and I'm not planning to now.

The door opened and Flynn walked in. "Hey." He said chucking his keys down.

"Hey..." I said back. He came and sat down next to me and asked "What's this about then?" I took a deep breath. "Christian Turner showed up. He was the Henchman that tied me to a chair to keep me from escaping or whatever. He's... not like them, Flynn." 

"What do you mean? He's not mentally ill?"

"He didn't hurt me. He had no intention too. When I asked him why he said that's not the ki of thing he does. He thinks what Danny is doing is wrong."

"Why should that mean anything? Why is he working for Danny then?"

"For the same reason that Grace and Mia stayed with him. He's a powerful man."

Flynn nodded.


Here goes nothing.

"He kissed me, Flynn."

He slowly looked up at me with startled eyes.


"...Twice. But it was more of a brush against my lip with some lingering." My voice became quiet.

"And you did what?" He didn't look at me in the eye.

"Nothing..." I said.

"Nothing. Great. Well okay Oceane, go running off into the sunset with some gangster!" He got up off the chair.

"Flynn! I was just not thinking straight!"

"I think we need a break."


"From us?" My voice trembled.

"Yes, from us." He kept his back turned.

"You mess around with who you want, so will I."

"How is that fair!?" I said.

"You want to mess around with other people!?"

"No! But if you want to get it out of your system it's only fair if the opportunity arises!" He yelled back.

"I want you, Flynn!" I said on the verge of tears.

"I want you Oceane. But we're young. If  we are  promising ourselves to each other we need to know that we only have feelings for each other."

He turned around and I slid the ring off my finger. "Fine... I'll take part in your experiment. But we set rules."

"Agreed." He said as I put in his hand.

"No romantic relationship for two weeks. Friendship and professional only."

He nodded.

"Sleeping at our own places."

I nodded.

"Is there a limit to what we can do?" I asked.

Flynn thought long and hard.


Oh thank God.

"Nothing... more than kissing. to a point."

"Fine." I said. Flynn went into my room and came out with his stuff.

"This isn't the end of us, is it?"
"No Angel. No. Never. But I hope you see why we do this."
I nodded.

And with that, he left.

"You broke up?!" Drew said on the phone.

"Because of Christian Turner!?"

"No Drew! There were many reasons. I'm nearly 23 and I'm getting ready to promise myself to one person for the rest of my life. It's a huge commitment. We are making sure that all we can think about is each other even in the essence of others."

"Okay okay. Look I'll keep Flynny on his toes, you just be careful. Keep me on speed dial."

"I will. I'm going to try and get as much information as I can out of Christian."

We hung up and I went to bed early that night, prepared for the next day.

Flynn POV

"What did she say?" I asked

"She's going to get information out of Christian."

"Hm. Right." I smiled.

"What are you going to do Flynn?" Drew smiled back.

"Go out. See what all the fuss is about."

"Fuss about what?"

"Women that aren't Oceane."

Oceane POV

I woke up nice and prepared. I'm going to call Christian, tell him I need to see him blah blah.

I put on my silk robe and my sleeper heel things and applied some makeup. As well as leaving my hair down.

"Christian... It's Oceane" I said on the phone
"Princess. What can I do for you?"

"I could really use some help right now... Could you possibly come over?"

"Um. It depends, what for?"

"Oh, you know. Involves finding out more about myself. It can involve chairs and tape, if you want?"

"Hm. Sounds like an offer I must take you up on."

I could imagine his smirk as he spoke.

"You know the place," I said and hung up

I sprayed myself down with perfume and sprayed my hair with water. This guy wants to flirt, I'm the goddamn best flirt that ever existed

About 10 minutes later there was a knock at the door. I strolled over and opened it.
"Can't get enough?" He said in his deep rough tone.

"I guess not..." I bit my lip and removed my arms from the door Frame and he entered.

"Where's this overprotective boyfriend of yours?" He asked as he looked around my apartment.

"We're on a break," I said as I folded some blankets on the chair.

"Good or bad?"

"Bad for him... Good for you." I said keeping my eyes on the blankets.

He walked forwards and placed his hands on the chair and looked at me "how so?"

"I'm an open book..."

Saving Emma: The Art Of Falling. Book 6Where stories live. Discover now