School Surprise PT2

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Peter's mind felt like a jumbled piece of writing that made no sense but did at the same time. His hunger grew drasticly in the past .5 second that it became unbearable. "KILL THEM" Venom said to himself.

Venom brakes open the door while jumping through. He ran to the living room where The Avengers were. They all looked at Venom and instantly got into a defense position. "WHAT THE HEAVENLY FUCK IS THAT?!" Clint yelped as he saw Venom. He was truly terrifying. "Peter? You in there?" Tony yelled at him.

Venom only growled before attacking Tony. "I shouldn't have asked." He said before running out of the way. Without his armour, he sure will be killed. Venom then went for Steve since he was the closest. Steve put his shield in front of him as the creature charged at him.

Venom ran into the vibranium shield and surrounded it with their goo. "The heck?" Steve said as he stepped back. Venom went to punch Steve but was pushed by Wanda. "Peter, I know you're in their, fight it, don't let it control you." Venom got up and went to attack Wanda. She moved their fist as they went to punch her. "Sounds from the 4,000 to 6,000 hertz range hurt symbiotes! Tony!" Tony got the message and then said, "Friday, let us hear 6,000 hertz!"

Friday then did as told. "AHHH" Venom gasped and yelled in pain. They kept changing from Peter to Venom with miliseconds each.

(Imagine that's Peter, k)

Peter and Venom looked to be in excruciating pain. "Peter! Fri, stop!" Some of them yelled, seeing their youngest teamate in unbearable pain made them feel pain.

"Don't stop! Let them pass out, it'll be easier!" Bruce yelled. Everyone nodded and stepped away from Peter and Venom. They countinued to change back and forth seeming to not be able to decide whose in control. They kicked the wall, grabbed their head, yelled in pain. This went on for 30 long seconds before they finally collapsed.

Bruce ran towards Peter's limp body, so did Tony being the worried dad that he is. "His breathing is unsteady and Venom seems to be uncounsious aswell, he probably won't return for a while. Steve bring him to the med-bay." Bruce said. Steve imedietaly picked Peter up and went to the med bay, with Bruce following close behind.


"Friday, can you pull up video of the fight between Spider-Man and The Vulture." Tony asked. Friday pulled up a hologram that displayed the fight that occured in Midtown High's cafeteria. Tony hit play and watched the whole thing unfold. Peter being smacked to the wall with Adrian's wing. Peter being injected with the symbiote. Iron Man coming in and knocking Adrian uncounsious.

"If only I'd been there sooner." Tony says to himself in disappointment. Steve comes up to Tony and rest his hand on Tony's shoulder. "You can't blame yourself for what you didn't know, Tones." Tony gave him a sad smile. "I know, but, if only I did tho, it would be a whole different scenario." Tony says.

"Look Tony, none of this is your fault, it's freaking Adrian's because he decided to breack out of jail and attack Peter, who now has to live with a symbiote his entire life. Yeah, he can get rid of it but then it'll hurt someone else and Peter would not let that happen. This was The Vulture's fault." Steve said, in a way where a mother gets angry when u goofed and could've died but she cares about you anyways and protects you.

"Now, come one, Peter'll wake up soon, he'll want to see his parents beside him." Steve patted Tony's shoulder. Tony hasitantly stood up and they both walked to the elevator. Tony pushed the button and imediately thought of the worse.

what if Peter didn't wake up? what if Venom decided to kill Peter instead? what if Peter had already died but wasn't told? what if he gets into a comma for the rest of his life? what if Venom just leaves Peter's body and goes into someone else's? what if-

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