School Shooting

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This was based around a nightmare I had like 5months ago, it still kinda scares me.

This is a 7th grade Peter and friends. Pre-Spider Bite and warning: school shooting because my nightmare was like that and warning: violence/murder

The door shook violently as someone from outside the classroom banged on it. The school had just announced a lockdown, in which everyone ran from recess into the closest room. Everyone in the classroom held their breath in hopes of the person leaving.

Unfortunately, the door busted open and two people walked in carrying guns. One women, blonde wearing all black and a man wearing all black except for his gray sweater. They aimed at the students. "What grade are you all?" The woman asked. The students had tears in their eyes and one answered, "se-seventh g-rade, mrs."

The woman aimed at the boy who spoke, making the boy wince. "You, what's your name?" She asked. "Peter, ma'am." The boy answered with his voice wavering in fear. "The way you said 'ma'am' and 'mrs'....I like you. Come over here, next to me, Peter." Peter shakily got up from under the desk, leaving his best friend, Jayden. He walked to the woman, who held out her hand. He grabed her hand which was shaking.

"Calm down, Peter, I'm not gonna hurt you." She said in a hushed tone. "You can call me 'Red' if you want." She added. Tears fell dripped out his eyes and sliped to his chin. She cupped his face while wipping the tears away with her thumbs, "It'll be okay." She smiled.

Peter really wanted to believe that despite the fact that the man was aiming his gun right at his chest. "Please don't kill me." He whispered out, countinuing to silently cry. "Please."

The woman looked behind Peter, at the man and said, "Rain, not him." The man nodded and aimed at the students. "Peter, you're going to come with me, okay? We will give you a home. Do you want an instrument? Will get you one right now." She smiled. Peter was too afraid to say no so he nodded.

"Peter!" The teacher, Mrs. Brown said. "Take me, not him, leave the kid out of this, please!" The man groaned, "He's the one we need." before shooting Mrs Brown in the arm. She gasped in pain and fell onto the floor. She coverd her wound with her other arms, trying to stop blood from spilling. The student whimpered and yelled in horror into their sweaters as the bullet was shot.

"Leave her, let's go to the band room and get Peter an instrument, maybe some others to sell." Red said, grabbing Peter's hand tightly. She took out a metal braclet thing and cuffed one of his wrists with it. "This will let me know where you are at all times, I just want you to be safe." Red said. "Rain, we'll wait for you there." Red and Peter ran to the room, Peter still crying in fear.

Gunshots were heard in his classroom as were screams. Peter's loud sobbing filled the hall as we was being dragged to the band room. Since it was recess, the Music room would be locked and empty. Red was checking every corner to make sure they were in the clear.

Rain slowly came up behind them and shot Peter's left arm, causing him yell in pain. "The cops are just 3 blocks away, wanna see who can get the most?" Rain said, completly ignoring Peter. "What about Peter?" "Hostage, now game on." She nodded and looked at Peter. "If you run, I will shot you again." She said, seeming to change her demeanour suddenly.

Peter nodded, shakily. She opened the closest classroom door and saw the teacher with the students against the wall. "Why hello there." Red said. "Peter!" Some of the students said in fear.

There was one kid recording this lockdown that was instgram live an went viral. He recorded Peter, who was covering his wound but blood still poured out, and the woman to get her face reconizied onto the internet.

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