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/ˌin(t)ərˈtwīn/ (verb)

twist or twine together.


There's a Chinese proverb
that says that a red string of Fate
connects those who are suppose to meet
at some point in their lives.
It is said that
these two people connected by the thin red
are destined lovers -
their little bit of Fate
might get tangled
and stretched
and beaten,
but it never will break.
Through circumstances and time,
Fate will see them together in the end.
I'm not sure
if I believe this completely,
Only because I feel as if
it is far more
than just one string of Fate
that keeps us connected -
rather it's hundreds of millions, creating a tangled landscape of red
that is constantly
p u l l i n g
p u l l i n g
p u l l i n g
me closer to you,
fulfilling the desires
of a million different fates.


The string had become a nuisance to me. Everyday the string follows and taunts me, as if it's trying to remind me that he had rejected me. To see the tattered strings get longer and longer to find it's partner.

I use to count the days until my string would finally reconnect with yours. But somewhere along these past few years, I've stopped counting. And I have realized that the 'forever' that I was counting wasn't the 'forever' that my mother had told me.

It's funny because I don't know which one hurts more.

The fact that it would never reconnect, or the fact that I'm still hoping it would.

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