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Seung-Wan was right about the rigorous work...and now I'm hungry.

I groaned as my stomach growled in desperation for food as I weakly walked down the street.

In fact, I should probably head to sis's cafe. Hopefully she give me free food, because I'm kind of broke right now, as sad as that sounds.

With the swing of the door, "Seung-wan!", I excitedly called out as I seen her working as the cashier. Instantly, her face became deadpanned while she was talking to a customer. I love her reactions, a true meme queen she is.

Like the best sibling that I am, it's my job to embarrass her at work. And so I did, by walking right up to the line and waited as if I were to order something. Though I probably will get something since I'm starving.

The man in front of me stepped out of line, allowing me to pull right up to my sister. "Good afternoon", a grin appeared on my face as I said it.

Seung-Wan's eye twitched a little. "W-welcome, how can I help you?", her face was stretched into a forced smile. Deep down I was laughing my ass off, but I kept in the laughter.

I looked at the board behind her, scanning for something scrumptious to eat. And thankfully something caught my eye. "I'll have the BLT sandwich, a large coke and regular fries, please". She slightly nodded as she put in my order. But unbeknownst to her, she'll actually be the one to pay for my lunch. "Sis", I leaned on the counter. Her eyebrow raised. "Can you pay for me this one time?".

All she did was give me a blank expression. It was obvious she was not too happy about hearing that, but if she were to make a scene now, it'll probably cost her to leave for the day. She sighed, understanding her situation. "F-fine...but don't you dare think I'll let you off the hook". I grinned and was happy to hear that.

"Thank you, and that'll be all", without a care in the world, I proudly stepped out of line, happy to know that food was on sis. Sometimes having a sibling has its benefits.

I sat down at the table facing the window. The sunlight was warming against my skin as I gazed out towards the street. Satisfied with how my day went, and soon to be arriving food going straight into my mouth.

About 8minutes passed until I finally seen a girl coming my way, carrying food that looked like what I ordered. And to no surprise, it was indeed my food. Hooray...

"The BLT Sandwich with a large coke and fries?", the girl said as she looked at me. I nodded in confirmation. She smiled and sat the food onto the table. But just as she was about to set the drink down, it suddenly slipped right off the tray. 

Well that's no good.

In a blink of an eye, my poor dear coke spilled right into my lap. And if this was middle school, they'd probably have thought I peed myself or something. Tsk, those middle schoolers were annoying as hell.

Anyways, I wasn't too fazed that my pants were wet, though the girl was a different story. "I-I'm so sorry! I'll quickly clean that up!", her face could of fooled you into thinking she saw a ghost. Or better yet, death knocking at her door. She quickly ran to where my sister was, making quite a scene to be honest. Everyone's eyes were either turned towards me or the girl. Again, the unnecessary attention.

She ran back to me with a white towel and some paper towels in her hand. From afar, I could see Seung-Wan laughing hysterically. My eye twitched just watching her.

The girl was about to rub my pants with the towel but I stopped her midway. "You don't have to do that. It's really no biggie that my pants are wet. The real question is are you okay? Did any glass fall onto you?". She looked up at me with eyes wide open. 

"A-ah I-I..", her voice stuttered, "-I-I'm f-fine". With the brush of her hand, she pushed back a few strands of her hair. And in that moment...I realized her beauty was undeniably...aesthetic. Like really, how can you look that good in broad daylight? I should call the cops on you for killing me with your looks. Wow...am I okay?

I shook my head and cleared my throat. "I-I'm glad to hear that-". She slowly rose up, though she avoided her eyes away from me. 

Truthfully speaking, I just had to know this girl's name. Not because she was absolutely beautiful or anything, but because her demeanor was so...elegant. If that makes any sense. Therefore I quickly glanced at her shirt, searching for her name-tag. And banzai, there it was.

M. Mina...

 As I read it and put her face to the name on her tag, I knew I had to get to know her better. "Um...C-can I call you Mina? Or is that way too familiar?", I bit my lip out of nervousness, hoping I didn't just cross a big red line by being too informal.

Surprisingly she slightly shook her head. The reason for shaking her head wasn't clear though. Was it a no to call her Mina? Or a no to it wasn't too familiar?

"M-mina is f-fine..." It almost sounded like she was talking in 3rd person, but I knew exactly what she meant. I smiled at her, and she did the same.

My tummy was now full and replenished. I went up to the counter and quickly gave my sister a quick wink. She pretended like she was gonna vomit. Which is totally fine, I'm not hurt at all.

"I'm headed to work. See you when I get home", I waved to her and she waved back. And actually, while I was waving, my eyes caught glimpse of Mina in the background. My feet halted. Should I get her number? Or is that way too weird? Wait, what if she doesn't even like me? But I like her...I... 

Totally scolding myself mentally, I decided to go back up to the counter. Sis raised an eyebrow as she seen me coming. "W-what d--", my hand blocked her face.

"Mina...", I called out to the gorgeous girl and she immediately came up to me.

"Yes?", a tint of red was flushing her cheeks. Aish, how cute.

"C-could we exchange phone numbers?". It took everything out of my whole being to say that with confidence. 

She blinked her eyes a few times until she suddenly covered her mouth in shock. "Eh?!"

Was that a good sign or no? 

"O-of course! I'd love to", she smiled, apparently she has a gummy one at that. That's even cuter.

And with that, we exchanged phone numbers.

While walking to work, my heart was skipping beats. 

I'm either talkative or quiet. Never both at the same time. Is this what you would call being an 'Ambivert'? If so, I'm also ambidextrous, just like my sexuality lmfao. Oh wow.

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