CHAPTER ONE : Just a Regular Day

Start from the beginning

"Woah, Is she for real?"

"Hey, go ask her number for me"

"Oh hell nah, If she gave me her number I wouldn't even wanna give it to you"

"Sharing is caring, don't be stingy fuck"

Your eyes, your lips, your hair.. Or possibly everything about you were captivating. It took their breath away just seeing how lovely you were and they were wondering if they were still in a dream or Are you really a real person.

"Tsk, I wonder how much for a plastic surgery to look that pretty?"

"Geez, she ain't that pretty"

"I look better than her, Guys sure are blind nowadays"

Of course, let's face reality. There are still a lot of people whose gonna hate some other people that they don't know, even if they didn't do anything to them. Some girls were quite envious but some also chose to admire you instead. There's no point in hating you anyway.

While you were having a peaceful walk, you heard your phone rang and so you grab it from your pocket without taking a break from your walk.

"Hello from the other side🎶" You sang as you answered the call. It was just fun for you to answer like that especially when it's that one certain guy who is calling.

"Boss, where are you? How many fucking times do I have to tell you tha--"

"Calm that steaming hot ass down" You quickly cut his sentence before it turns into an essay that is only about how careless you are, How you wouldn't listen to him, how the other crew is searching for your identity and how you act like a kid that he wants to smack right now.

"I just finished classes and I'm on my way back home. There's no need to worry that much." You calmly updated him, A/l was definitely like your second Mother the one that gets extremely worried when you're just 1 minute late.

"Great, Good..."

"So what else? I know you so well that I don't think you will call me just for that." I waited for him to respond cause he still seemed to be gathering his thoughts for a moment. "You're still worried aren't ya? Take your time to gather your thoughts. I can wait." You replied, A/l actually worries about me a lot and I understand where his worries were coming from that's why its hard for me to ignore him.

"Geez, I hate that even though I shouldn't worry. I still do." You heard him sigh making me smile a little.

"It's normal, specially knowing that your boss is out in the open with potential dangerous people that would love to harm me." You replied

"I also hate how you can read me so openly." He added

"So what is your agenda? What's with the call??" You ask

"Go home, Take a shower, Eat dinner and
don't think about strolling around the city tonight" he summarized

"Why not?" You ask him while taking some snack in your bag still not taking even a short break from your walk

"The crew reported that the God dog is --" he was about to explain and tell you the whole details but your dumb ass cut him off, making him groan on the other side of the phone

"Cat dogs leader what?"

"Not Cat dog!! you moron... It's God dog! G.O.D. Dog!!"

"What?? All this time I thought it was Cat dog and it was God Dog." you chuckled and thought that if you read the God in reverse it's dog, It was such a cool name tho but still their leader is after you and you didn't know why

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