Chapter 11: Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"Diamond, you aren't going. Tom already marked you off for tonight, because of the fight. So yes I am telling you." He couldn't look at me.

"Guess I'll waitress and bounce then. My normal day off routine. What are you going to do, kidnap me?" I crossed my arms and cocked my hip.

"If that's what it takes to make you rest today, then yes." Roman answered, still unable to look at me.

To say I was annoyed, wouldn't be a lie. Yet, it was also because he cared, which touched my heart. However, I wouldn't let him know that.

"Your clothes were put in my bathroom, you can shower and change, then I'll get you some food. " Roman still wouldn't look at me, he just was staring at the ground.

"Fine, but this argument still isn't over. I will be going to work, mark my words. You don't know how sly I am." Roman's head shot up to look at me, but I walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door.

Roman's POV:

Diamond is refusing to listen to me or the doctor. She wants to go to work. She basically told me I would have to lock her up, and even then she would try to sneak out.

I left and went to go get her some food from the kitchen. I had no idea what she liked. Walking into the kitchen I saw our chef, Maria.

"Mr. Roman, what can I do for you?" Maria was walking towards me. She is older, blue eyes, light brown graying hair, and tan skin. She is short, and thin.

"I have a guest, female guest, she has a special diet, but I have no idea what to fix her." I have always felt comfortable with Maria, she was like a second mom to me.

"Well what is this diet? What can she not eat?" Maria was crying her hands off with her apron.

"Um, no carbs, bread, pasta, or sugar." Maris got this huge smile, as I spoke.

"Don't worry about a thing. I know exactly what to fix for her, including her coffee. Did she just wake up? What am I saying. That doesn't matter." Maria spoke then took off, happier than all get out.

I went up to check on Diamond again. However, she wasn't in my room. I knocked on the bathroom door, but no answer. I checked the door, it was unlocked. She wasn't inside. Grabbing my phone, I called Tom.


"Tom, have you heard from Diamond?"

"No, not today. Is she not with you?" Tom sounded panicked.

"No, she wants to work tonight. I told her no." She was sly, I'll give her that.

"Roman, this isn't a woman you can order around. She won't listen, and will defy you. You have to ask her."

"You know, for the Mafia, you are really not very good at looking for people." I heard Diamond's voice behind me. She was in the bathroom door, brushing her teeth.

"Found her Tom. She hid from me."

Tom was laughing, " Roman, that woman is going to give you a hell of a time. Good luck." He hung up.

"How did you hide from me?" Turning my attention to Diamond. Seeing her hair was wet, she was dressed in jeans and a tank.

"There were plenty of places to hide. You just didn't check them." She smiled and turned to finish brushing her teeth.

"I didn't think I needed to. I thought you took off."

"I won't take off, unless I have to go somewhere, especially with the promise of food." Diamond winked at me.

This woman was killing me, and she knew it. "The only way to keep you contained would be to put you in a concrete room, with nothing inside and the door to be on the ceiling."

"Now Roman, why are you sweet talking me?" She just gave me a cocked eyebrow.

"Come on, I'm sure Maria has your food done." I offered her my hand.

"For food, of course!" She took my hand in hers. We walked to the dining room, she stopped, and took in the smell of the food and coffee.

"Mr. Roman, is this the woman you spoke about?" Maria said walking in carrying a tray.

"Maria, this is Diamond, and yes it is."

"Ma'am, I prepared you breakfast, with coffee." She set down the tray and I saw waffles, with strawberries, whipped cream, scrambled eggs, bacon, and the coffee had creamer in it. Diamond looked at it, then at me.

"Don't worry ma'am, it's all within your diet. Coconut and almond flour waffles, the whipped cream with sweetener, the coffee is bulletproof coffee homemade with butter and heavy whipping cream. " Diamond's eyes lit up while Maria spoke.

"Thank you so much Maria!"  Diamond started eating.

Diamond's POV:

While eating I heard a door open, and I could hear men saying that someone couldn't be here.

"Roman, sweetheart! Where are you? I have a surprise for you!" It was a woman's voice. I looked at Roman, and he had a look of his hand caught in a cookie jar look.

He gulped hard and a tall, thin bleach blonde walked in. Was wearing a black trench coat tied with the belt.

"Roman, there you are! Who is the pet?" She looked at me.

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