Chapter 7: Insecurity

Start from the beginning

"Woman, you have been letting me think I am getting away calling you sweet names, without you know?" I embarrassed and shocked.

"You never explained, nor asked and I don't mind. Mio Caro." She winked at me. She even said it correctly! I could feel my grip tightening on the wheel. Oh this woman is driving me crazy! We finally made it to her house.

"Would you like to come in while I change?" She asked.

"If that's okay with you?"

"I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't. I say what I mean, and mean what I say."

Diamond's POV:

We walked into my house. smaIt's small but cozy. It's a one bedroom, one bath, small living room, and decent kitchen. Walked to my bedroom, and let my dog out. He ran towards Roman. I didn't warn him that he does NOT like big scary men.

Wait, he isn't barking, growling, or snapping. What's wrong. I walk back to the living room to see Roman holding my fat little dog. My dog is content.

"I see you met Astro."

"Yes, he is such a nice dog."

"Okay, I'll give you an honest chance." I see Roman look up, and not understanding.

Giggling, "Astro protects me from big scary men. I normally have to introduce him to them in my arms, before he will let them touch him. He likes you, and approves. So, I'll give you an honest chance."

I went back to my room to change. I checked my phone, and say 2 missed calls from Tom, and
10 text messages from him. 

"How's going?"
"Sweetheart, are you okay? I haven't heard from you?"
"If I don't hear from you soon, I'm calling Roman."
"I called him, and he didn't answer."
"I'm praying you guys haven't killed each other."

His text messages continued.

"Roman, call Gold Key and assure Tom we haven't murdered each other. Please!"

"Hi Sweetheart!" "I see you called him already. Hi Tom!"

I come out of my room with Jean shorts, a plain purple tshirt, with a change of clothes in it, for after hand to hand.

"So how was the date?" Tom asks while on speaker.

"Still on it Tom!" I reply. "She was just getting changed." Roman states.

"Changed? Why is she changing?!" Tom sounds frantic.

"We are going shooting, then I'm going to kick Roman's ass in hand to hand. I need to blow off some steam! A floor length gown doesn't allow for that!" Aggravation in my voice.

"You could just wrestle naked, of course you don't need an upper hand sweetheart." I can hear the smile in Tom's voice.

"Okay dirty old man. We will talk to you later!" Roman sounds aggravated. And hangs up on Tom

"Worried since Tom says I don't need the upper hand?" I saw in a seductively taunting voice.

"Bella. You don't know what that does to me." He gives me a lustful look, while licking his lips.

"Come on lover boy, let's go. Wait, should I bring my guns?"

"Wait, you have them here? Are you doing something illegal?" Roman's voice is low, almost threatening. It was seductive to me.

"No, they are legal, I have permits. As much as I wish I didn't need them." I snicker.

"No, I have some toys you can shoot." He winks at me.

I walk towards him, and take his hand in mine. He stops, looks down, and then smiles at me. He gives my hand a slight squeeze.

His hand is so warm, calloused. I feel little tingles in my hand.

We go shooting, and not to my surprise, I'm the better shot. Hehe, of course.

"How are you such a good shot?!" Roman is upset that I, a little woman can outshoot him.

"Mio Caro, I've been hunting since I was 9, shooting guns since I was 6. I'm a billiard shark too. But let's go get your ass kicked now?"  Roman looks aggravated, but also excited. I dismantle my .45 I was shooting before handing it to the guards. Roman looks at me wide eyed.

"Yes dear, I can dismantle a gun. I had to learn how to break down and clean my own."

He smiles, and extends his hand out asking for mine. I happily accept. We walk up a hill to a gorgeous mansion. Its three or four story mansion. You can see the white bricks, even though the sun is setting behind the side we are walking up to. The corners of the house have dark brown, or black bricks, the light is playing tricks on my eyes. It is lit up inside behind the large windows. I can see chandeliers hanging on the first floor. This is a house, from my crazy wild dreams, of if I won the lottery.

"Do you like it?" Roman snaps me out of my trance.

"So I am totally going to sound southern, and you won't be able to understand me. But, Lord have Mercy and bless my soul. I've never even thought it would be possible to know someone let alone be on a date with someone with such a beautiful home!" Roman squeezed my hand a little tighter.

"Wait until you see the inside. Or my home in Italy!" Roman squeaks, almost like an excited 5 year old to show a new toy.

Walking inside, I can see the obvious Italian style. There is cathedral ceilings, with high wooden arches. Paintings of Italy hang on the cream colored walls.

"What do you think?" Roman is waiting for my response eagerly.

"I love the Italian architecture. Is this Mahogany? Wait, is the a real Degas?!" Im struck by a painting. Its ballet dancers standing by the bars, with a man standing in the middle of the room, almost leaning on a staff.

"You know art?" Roman was surprised. Although, at this point I don't know why anything I saw surprises him.

"I know Degas! He is one of my favorite painters. He mostly is famous for his blue dancers. I fell in love with Degas because he was able to capture a dancers grace, her poise within a painting. Most painters aren't able to to capture the emotion the human body can convey with movement, but Degas was able to." I realize I'm rambling while just staring at this amazing painting. I see Roman just staring in adoration of me.

"I've seen you dance, but I'd love to see you dance Ballet. I love going to the Ballet." Roman's words have me at a loss. Almost to tears. He sees it.

"What is it, did I say something wrong? Please don't cry!" Roman is trying console me. He instinctively pulls me in for a hug, I stiffen at first, but relax in his embrace. The tears start coming down.

"Why are you crying Bella? Roman is rubbing circles on my back.

"They are happy tears. I promise." I squeezed him a little tighter, reassuring him.  We pull apart.

"I just haven't ever had someone who enjoys watching ballet before. They watched because of how much I loved it."  Roman was shocked at my words. He looked at me like he was seeing into me. It made me feel wonderful, and nervous at the same time.

I'm going to my room to change, there is a room right there on the left you can change. Feel free to roam.

After changing I walk down the same hall, I see pictures of a family. Happy smiling. Kids playing in the yard. These are family portraits.

I felt guilty, there was one thing that I haven't told him, and I haven't told Tom. I'm terrified of how Roman will respond to it. So far he has been amazing. I haven't told him, that I can get pregnant, but my uterus can't support pregnancies.

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