Chapter 1: Another day...

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He was running, running as fast as he possibly could. But what was he running from? He couldn't remember, but he knew it was dangerous. Branch after branch full of leves hit him hard in the face as he ran, leaving irritated red marks in the spot where they scratched him. Some even managed to scrape through his skin, small droplets of blood running slowly down his cheeks. The forest was dark, incredibly dark. He could barely see where he was going, constantly stumbling over tree roots and rocks on the ground. But he never fell; thank god for that. He could hear the monster shout behind him, tearing down the forest as it went. Why did it chase him? What did it want? What had he done to upset it? He had no idea. Then a loud screaming suddenly echoed through the trees.

"....eldris!! Wake up!!" It shouted, the sound almost deafening. He covered his ears, trying to shut it out. He could see a vague ray of light up front, feeling his heart jump in his chest. Finally! He might be able to get out. He ran faster and faster, getting closer to the light until he stood at the edge of the forest. The monster was still somewhere behind him though, and it would reach him any minute now.... He looked up at the light; it stung in his eyes at the brightness. Then suddenly, a loud banging. It was ear splitting. It pulled at him, dragging him down into the door. He tried to scream, but no sound left his lips. It pulled him further and further down, until he just barely had his head above the ground. He tried to scream again, however a last loud bang made everything go black.

He woke up with a jolt, the sweat running of him as if he had been running a marathon. He felt the sun rays stick in his eyes as they found their way through the old blinds hanging in the window. He lifted his hand to cover his eyes, stretching out a little where he sat, all tangled up in the bed sheets. Thank god that it had only been a nightmare..... He jumped high when there was a loud knocking on the door, followed by an angry voice speaking.

"Zeldris you have to get up now! We have a bunch of stuff we need to fix before we go to school!!" He could hear his brother shout,visibly irritated over that he was taking so long to get up.

"M'kay..... I'm on my way...!" Zeldris mumbled sleepily, crawling out of the bed to put on some clothes.

"Good, I'll go back down to the kitchen and prepare the breakfast" He heard Estarossa say, pausing a little before speaking again. "You can jump into the shower straight away, the water is already hot. And could you be so kind as to wake Meliodas up when you come down the eat later?" Pants already on and socks soon following, Zeldris stumbled over to the door without a shirt and opened it.

"Why do I always have to be the one to wake him up?" He asked, staring up at his older brother.

"Because he won't murder you for waking him up as he would with me~" His brother hummed as he walked away down the corridor. Zeldris let out a defeated sigh, going back into his room to get his stuff.

One ice cold shower later Zeldris walked down the corridor towards Meliodas' room, muttering curses under his breath. Of course the water hadn't been warm, why had he even trusted Estarossa when he said so!? He should know by now that his brother will try to mess with him at any given chance.... When he had turned on the shower, while already standing in it, the water had been ice cold. However, he had been far too lazy to wait for the warm water to come, so he had just taken a cold shower instead; probably as Estarossa had planned. Well, at least now he was fully awake, so that was a plus. His hair was still dripping wet, cold water was still running down on his back in an uncomfortable manner. He had tried to dry it, and possibly make it look as less of a mess; however his hair was still as unruly as ever. Meliodas' room was the room at the end of the long, blue corridor, behind a pitch black wooden door. Still in a bad mood, Zeldris just walked up to it and banged on the door.

"Hey Meliodas!! You have to wake up now if you want to shower before we go to school!!" He shouted, not even bothering to open the door. "The water is cold, so you'll have to wait a while if you want to shower with warm water" He knocked on the door one last time, turning around and heading down to the kitchen. That's when Meliodas suddenly swung open the door behind him.

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