Chapter 2: The rift opens

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Arthur had decided that at this point he was absolutely bored out of his mind. Sure, he might have been just a little tiny bit early to school, but it was only since his damned cat always woke him up at 4 am in the morning and wouldn't let him go back to sleep. Still, he knew that Zeldris always was early to school as well; being the student council president and all. However, this particular morning he seemed to be late, which was a real shocker. He knew for a fact that his boyfriend was very punctual, and he was always early, just so that he had time to get all his papers in order and look over the schedule for the day. Zeldris was a extremely organized, and led the council both well and effectively; one of many reasons why they had gained popularity ever since he became their president. That and also because Zeldris was Zeldris. Just like his brothers; his charisma and good looks was beyond human. It could draw people in like a magnet, and allowed him to reach a wide audience as everyone listened when he spoke. It had been captivating to watch when he first arrived at Liones high school academy. Despite being relatively short, his now boyfriend was the first person his eyes landed on when he walked through the doors. He had been styled perfectly, and wore fashionable clothes that wandered the thin line between formal and casual wear, just like his two brothers. Up until that point Arthur had not expected himself to be interested in boys, however it was undeniable that he had fallen head first for the young black haired boy. He had been very scared at first; not knowing how to handle this new crush of his. But in the end it all turned out fine. After a drunk party where he accidentally confessed his feelings after one too many drinks.... Not his proudest moment ever, yet one he is still happy about. It did end with Zeldris becoming his boyfriend after all.

In the end, he had to wait for another 30 minutes before he could finally hear Zeldris' angry voice in a distance. He looked up from his mobile game in shock. It was extremely rare to ever see the ravenett angry, but now he also sounds absolutely pissed off. He had to search with his gaze for a few minutes before me managed to spot his boyfriend arguing loudly on the phone with someone; however the words were not any he could understand. He had always known that Zeldris family wasn't from Britannia, and that their original mother tongue was not English. However this was the first time he had every heard Zeldris speak it; and it sounded oddly scary. It reminded him of one of those old demon languages they learn about in history class; spoken by the demon clan before they were forever sealed away by the goddess clan. But it couldn't possibly be one of those languages.... They died out thousands of years ago. He quickly concluded that it was probably just a coincidence that it sounded so similar, and instead decided to investigate what had his boyfriend so livid. He watched for a moment as Zeldris angrily screamed a few last words to the person on the other end before swiftly ending the call with a harsh push of a button. Arthur took that moment to sneak up behind him and embrace him in a surprise hug.

"Gotcha-" He started, but quickly cut off his talking in favor of letting out a startled yelp as the black haired boy promptly swung him to the ground. After that it took them both a good 5 seconds to even process what had just happened.

"Arthur!?" Zeldris managed out as he stared in shock at his red head to boyfriend laying on the ground. "What on earth are you doing??" Arthur let out a strained huff as he sat up again, rubbing his back from the hard landing.

"Geez I could ask you the same" He replied sourly, looking up at the older boy for an explanation. "Well?" Now Zeldris was starting to get embarrassed; looking away and scratching his neck in an awkward manner.

"Well I was kinda on high alert-" He started off slowly, looking around him as if someone would suddenly pop up to his aid. "I had a fight with someone on that phone call and I always end up really... high alerted... when I'm angry—" It was clear that he had trouble explaining it all, and the pure suffering Arthur could basically see mirrored in his eyes were enough for him to think about letting it slide.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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