chapter 1

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Sian's POV

"Sian!" A roaring voice breaks the silence. Suprised, I drop the customer's glass on the floor. 

"I am so sorry. I will be right back to clean this up, and fix you another sundae." I flash a smile hoping the customer wouldn't mind waiting a couple more minutes. He must've read my mind, as I turn away he mumbles: "I waited 15 minutes for this. How much longer is it going to take. I feel bad for making him wait longer. I run to the closet in the back room to get a broom, a mop and trash bag. I clean up my mess but Charlie screams again.

"Sian!" I quickly finish and head for the boss' room. I gently knock and only open the door once I hear him 'Come in'.

"Yes Charlie?" I walk up to him. He turns around and looks at me up and down. 

"Come immediately when I call you."

"But we have customers an-"

"NO! I am the BOSS! The boss matters more than the customers. They can wait." 

Doesn't the saying say 'The customer is always king'? 

"Anyways, I was thinking to maybe change the uniform for the waitresses."

"Yes, I like the idea." I put my hand on my raggy work clothes and silently thank Charlie.

He heads to his computer and types something. "You can go now, I'll find something."

Once I head back to the main area. I remember the customer. I head to his table, but no one is there. "Camira, where is the customer?" She rolls her eyes at me.

"Thanks to your efficient skills, he left saying he had been waiting for 30 minutes for his drink. You have horrible customer service Sian! We most 7$ because of you."

7$ is a small amount, but it's a lot for Charlie's small company. The client ALWAYS has to pay. 

"You can't tell him. He'll kill meand I can't afford getting fired. I have things to pay."

"Don't we all?" She says sarcasticly. "And it isn't the first time I cover for you. I'm tired of you not owning up to your actions. So I won't say anything unless he asks."

"Thank you, again Camira."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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