Chapter 10: No

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She kept silent; her palm propping her chin, her mind flying. She wonders how he is.

His image reigned in her mind - his smirks, the way he looks down to avoid her gaze, his concealed screams - and she hates herself for it, though, in retrospect, he seemed to have changed since he arrived. For the better, fortunately, and she didn't have any reports of complaints about him.

She found herself smiling at the thought, at his face, yet, in her mind, she wanted to frown, to feel bad, to curse him, though she can't - because no matter how much she denies it, she's actually happy.

"Queen Elsa,"

She snapped out, a gasp escaping her red lips. She had been off to somewhere again, in a magical land in her mind, that she forgot the King who is sitting across from her, staring.

She smiled in embarrassment. "Wait, what?"

The king looked at her, perplexed, a brow raised, his mouth pouting.

"My apologies. What were we talking about again?" she asked, chuckling.

He sat back, his plump belly showing. "Prince Hans. You said you wanted to send him back to the Southern Isles."

Her lips met her index finger, her forehead creased as she furrowed her eyebrows, and she's absorbed in her own thoughts once more. She wanted to because she doesn't want him, after all, but then something in her kept objecting.

Was it her conscience? Her pity? Or herself?

"With your permission, I will make sure that that miscreant will be executed at once." he said, his tone as cold as the ice she can conjure.

She's frozen at that. "No." she said suddenly, too sudden that Robert was nearly taken aback, though he collected himself just as quickly.

"I - I mean, we don't need to make any rushed decisions now, do we? There are plenty of time to think things through, we are talking about a life after all." she counseled.

"A pathetic, useless life, your majesty. He is nothing but a trouble-maker." he scoffed, scratching his beard lightly. "I hope you don't mind, I'd like to see him right now."

"Certainly." she said. She raised a hand, causing a guard who stood stiffly near the door to come to her. "Please take Prince Hans here, by orders of King Robert."

The guard bowed then rushed to the dungeon. He came back a few minutes later, the other guards, including him, surrounding the detainee whose hands are tightly cuffed.

She eyed him, the face she'd see in her mind, those eyes which can sparkle even in the darkest of nights. He came closer, the guards still keeping him in check.

Before she can even move, Robert was way ahead of her. He stood from his seat, then he came to Hans. They glared at each other for what felt like an eternity, then, out of nowhere, Robert's hand found its way on Hans' cheeks, slapping him ruthlessly.

The impact made him fall to the ground, and no one dared to help him up. In fact, no one wanted to. That is, except for the queen herself.

She raced to him, holding him by his arms to help him stand, and for the first time ever since he made his way to Arendelle, his face was only a few inches away from hers, his eyes linked to her icy blue ones, and she's breathing nervously. He found it hard to look away, this time, so she did it for him.

"Apologize to Queen Elsa. Now." Robert said, his face red in pure anger.

With his cheek aching from his father slap, he stood, his hands still cuffed behind him. He kept his head low, biting the inside of his cheek. "I'm sorry, your majesty." he said as soft as a whisper.

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