The return

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We were in Tartarus. Literally.  I can't believe this bitch. I clenched my fists,

"Aphrodite, why the fuck are we in hell?"

I questioned. She rolled her eyes at me, and grabbed a golden strand of hair, passing it on one ear. Aphrodite then grabbed a violet box, with the words "Persephone's beauty".

"You want me to fill that box..With beauty? Aphrodite, you are the goddess of beauty! Why on Earth.."

I felt a force tossing me against a wall, but instead of feeling a shot of pain through my skull, I realized that someone caught me.

"Mother! This is enough!"

Cried a familiar voice. Eros...? I turned my head to my left shoulder and I saw him, his face dull and his amber eyes were full of rage. He put me down, squinting his eyes, and he ordered through gritted teeth,

"Stop. Abusing. My. Psyche."

I was stunned by how pale Aphrodite went; her lips quivered while she spoke,

"She almost killed you. She's a monster.."

"I'm immortal, Mum! Why the fuck would you do this? Let her be free!"

Eros huffed,

"Absolutely not. One malicious action is enough to ruin one's life of amity."

Her eyes were cold. She put her hands on her hips, probably to stop the trembling,

"She has agreed to complete the trials in order for her to prove that she is worthy of being your soulmate. It is written in the ancient laws that a god can not interfere when a mortal is on a series of trials. Eros, I demand you to leave."

Eros started to weep, this wasn't fair. Aphrodite is going to kill me.

"Is this a game to you? I cry for help and all you do is destroy me even more? What kind of mother are you?"

Eros cried. He turned towards me, and hugged me, his bare chest was warm and gave me ecstasy inside.

"I love Psyche."

He claimed, and kissed me, his lips soft and plump, and I felt a burning sensation in my chest, making me want more. I'm so glad that he's back. I let go and gasped for air, and I turned to Aphrodite, who was muttering some ancient words that I could barely decipher,

"For this you shall die in pain.."

Eros screamed to the top of his lungs,


And held me tight.

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