Mahogany Lox=BFF (DUH)

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"Hey sugar cube" Mahogany says to you

"Hey Mo Ho" you say and she gives you a playful dirty look

"Gany" you finish

"Guess what?"

"What?" you ask

"I heard that (your fave magcon boy) has a crush on you" she states excitedly

"Seriously!" you almost shout

"Well his friend,(your crushes closest friend) said so" she says smiling

"Won't it be awkward on tour though, I mean the haters will be having a fiesta"

"So what! Haters gonna hate and...." she waits for you too finish

"Potatoes gonna potate" you say as the two of start laughing

"Exactly! You'll be fine! If they boo you I'll throw cold water on them"

"Mahogany you can't throw cold water on people....they will get revenge"

"So what then I'll make sure that if they guys chose guys from the audience they don't chose booers and if they are VIP I'll make sure they only get 2 minutes to talk to the guys"

"Mahogany! Your over reacting just a tad"

"I know...haters gonna hate. But I can't handle seeing my little baby getting booed by rude girls who are jealous of you because of a boy they'll never date"

"I'm not a little baby...I think I can handle a little hate"'


"Because I don't care! I'll have a super dreamy boyfriend! They can have all the posters they want. It's not gonna be the same"

"You two are gonna make such a cute couple...."

"Thanks Ma.....Ho....Ga......Ny"

"Um are you having trouble saying my name"

"Nope! Just having fun"

"I love ya sister" Mahogany says...the two of you have grown to be like sisters

"I love you too" you say

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