Biology Apologies

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Jughead's POV

'Hey Jug!' said Archie as I walked towards my locker. He was standing right by it, which was odd since his locker was at the other end of the hall.

'What?' I asked. I was really not in the mood for this. It also didn't help that everyone glanced across at us, clearly curious why one of the most admired guys in our school was talking to the resident weirdo.

Archie looked down at the floor guiltily. 'I'm sorry.' He paused before continuing. 'I'm sorry I ditched you on the 4th of July. I know we were meant to go on our road trip. I'm really sorry.'

I didn't know how to respond. I was really mad at him, but I could tell he was being sincere. 'Whatever, Arch. See you later.'

I walked down the hallway which unfortunately was filled with Riverdale High's Bulldogs (AKA the football jock morons). I attempted to walk past them inconspicuously, but the head Bulldog, Reggie Mantle, noticed me and shoved me aside with his shoulder. I was able to keep my balance, though I was almost pushed backwards. I grimaced at him and kept trudging down the hall. 

I got to Biology class and saw there was only one seat left, which was next to none other then Cheryl Blossom. Just my luck. Cheryl was taking selfies as I walked up to to her, so stereotypical of the HBIC of the Cheerleading Squad, the River Vixens. Cheryl kept moving her red hair and fixing her bright red sleeveless top, obviously trying to look perfect.

'Ew. Hobo, why are you sitting next to me?' Cheryl said this like she was the most important person in the world, which she probably thought she was.

Whilst rolling my eyes I responded. 'My name is Jughead, and do you see any other seats available?' I paused for a second, gesturing around the room. 'No. I didn't think so.' I then quickly got my laptop out of my bag and began typing away to try and avoid any further conversation.

Mr. Boggs strolled into the class just as the bell went. 'Good morning everyone, today we'll be -' he sighed. 'Mr. Jones, would you please turn off that electronic device in my science lab.' Reluctantly, I closed the laptop and looked up at the front of the class where the short and stubby Biology teacher stood with a piece of chalk in his hand. 'As I was saying, today we will be dissecting frogs. I have allocated your partners.' Majority of the class groaned, obviously displeased by this news.

Behind me I heard the voice of Kevin Keller, Sheriff Keller's son, saying 'Damn. I was really looking forward to slicing open a frog with you, Betty.' Then I heard a beautiful, melodic, sweet laugh that brought back the happiest of memories from Elementary School. I spun my head around and saw Elizabeth Cooper. She was wearing a light pink jumper and dark denim jeans, she looked so gorgeous. I could've stared at her for hours. But when I heard Mr. Boggs read my name off his list, I spun back around.

'Jughead Jones and Archie Andrews.' He announced.

Perfect. Just what I needed was to be stuck with Archie as my lab partner. Sure, he was my best friend for years (and probably still is) but I'm mad at him. It doesn't matter though, I just had to make it through that class. It was only a one time thing anyways.

Towards the end of the Biology class, that I was not expecting to enjoy; I realised that I'd smiled and laughed more in that class, then I had for most of the holidays. 

'Jug, I really am sorry.' Archie began. 'I met a girl over the summer and she wanted to spend time with me, so I put her over you. It was really stupid of me since she dumped me and I lost one of my best friends because of it.'

His apology took me by surprise, not only because he apologised, but because he'd been so honest in why he had ditched me. I found myself forgiving him in 2 simple words. 'It's okay.'

A smile stretched across his face. 'So... friends?'

I was trying not to smile. 'To be discussed.' I began. 'Over many burgers. Over many days.'

'Sounds good to me.'

Then the bell resonated through the school.

'Are you going to the Pep Rally on Friday?' Archie asked me. I knew he would definitely be going since he was on the football team.


'Well now you are. And afterwards, we can have a burger at Pop's?'

I smiled slightly. 'Now you're talking my language.' 

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