Chapter. 3

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A piercing scream rang throughout the household, as Chase shot up from his bed he thought, 'ahh, why does my back hurt so much?' He then heard a tray smash to the ground near his bedroom door, he looked towards his mother who had a shocked look on her face. "Mum?" He said, "are you alright?"

Chase's mother didn't respond, she just looked at him, or should I say his back. She lifts up and shaking finger and points at her son. Chase looks behind himself to look towards where his mother was pointing, then sees bones and white-ish feathers growing outwards behind him. He looks back up towards his mother and screams a frightening scream. His mother joins in but it's not a frightened scream it's a joyful scream.

'What the fudge,' he thought, 'why is my mother freaking happy, this hurts like hell.'

Chase's father walks into the bedroom, "what are you all yelling at!" He demanded. But once he saw his son, he was jumping in joy. He ran towards his son and pulled him out of bed, jumping along with him, right after his mother joined in.

"Ow, ow, ow! That hurts. Why are you two so happy?!" chase yelled over their happy cheering. Chase's younger sister walks by his room and stares at the sight, Chase notices her and mouths out, 'help me'. His sister shakes her head and grabs out her phone to record.

Then, something snapped inside Chase. He was angry, no, more like fuming with hatred, "PUT ME DOWN!" He yelled at his parents.

"Talk about teenage hormones, I thought he would of been happy," his father whispered so his son can't here, but he did.

"Be happy about WHAT exactly," he said once more.

"Oh darling, you hadn't realized yet," his mother said sweetly. Yup, that's right, Chase's family was delighted to have another mutant in the bloodline. Throughout all the mutants in the world chase was the lucky one, he had a family that loved him either way.

"Your a mutant son," his father said happily, while ruffling his hair. Chase couldn't believe it, out of everyone in his family he was a mutant, 'but it could've been my older brother, that would of made more sense,' he thought.

"Lost for words, darling," his mother said, "ooh, i know what will help, I'm going to make a big chocolate cake for you, c'mon Alysha, come help," his mother called for his sister to help.

Chase just looked out his window, opposite his bed, thinking about his future. He didn't want this, he didn't want to be special, he just wanted to be a normal teenage boy. But his dreams of becoming a famous soccer player went strait down the drain.

"Dad?" He called to his father who was sitting one his bed, "what special abilities will I get?" He questioned.

"Well let me think, it appears that you... might get wings, from the looks of it," his father answered.

One tear rolled down Chase's face, "but dad, I never wanted this," he turned around to look at his dad.

"I'm sorry son, but there's nothing we can do about it now," he said, then got up and left the room. For Chase's whole life he just wanted to fit in, but now, there's no going back.


Later that night, Chase's mother invited the whole family to the so-called happy celebration, but for Chase it was hell. Having to sit down and talk to his family for hours about some bones coming out of his back, and the worst thing was having to sit at the table eating a diabetes filled chocolate cake with such a pain-filled  back. What a day.


After everyone had gone to sleep Chase snuck out to the nearby cemetery, why? You may ask, well his great grandfather was also a mutant, with flying abilities, but with no wings. And the sad part about that was that he had never met his great grandfather, he died just days before his birth.

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