chap 4

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"hello?" he says into the phone, then pauses for a second. "yeah do you have approximately seven hundred dollars?" ... "mhm" ... "yeah, again" ... "cups and plates" ... "oh hes fine" ... "where are you, again?" ... "oh man must be tough" ... "alright" ... "thats highly unbelievable" ... "you should become a comedian this shit is fire" ... "okay bye come back soon"

"what was that"

"i just called kaitlyn"


"what did she say" eric asks

"she asked if the money was for plates and if it was cause keith talked, then asked about jimothy"

"what was the joke she told"

"she said she was on a date"

everyone bursts into laughter

"thats actually hilarious" eric laughs. "straight fire"

"what were you talking about earlier?"

"i was just asking emma where all our roommates went"

"yeah youre right were missing like, other than kaitlyn, four roommates"


"where are they, eric?"

"how would i know??"

"just open your phone"

"oh yeah i downloaded that new app"

"what app?" i ask

"daddy tracker. you input the usernames of all your daddies and it shows you where they are"

"right....." i furrow my eyebrows

"then what about that last one that isnt on daddy tracker?" edward asks inquisitively

"oh you mean y/n?" 

"yeah. where is she? i miss her perfect golden brown wavy locks that she occasionally puts up into a messy bun." edward sighs

"mhm! and i love her light and natural makeup." eric nods.

"it really compliments her bright blue orbs" keith agrees. this time nothing falls. thank god.

"what happened to her?" edward frowns

"i heard she got adopted by one direction" eric shrugs, shaking his head and frowning as well

"tragic" keith shakes his head too

"incoming daddy alert" eric says, looking up from his phone

"yOOooOoOOO wHaT iS uP mY gAmErS hAhA bRoSkIiS" a voice comes. the body to match the voice is short. i mean SHORT. like SHORT. hes wearing sunglasses and dabbing. as per usual. 

"ugh there you are. finally."

"ayyyyyyyyyy whats up gamer wheres the white one"

"hes not here"

"aw man"

"i know kinda sad"

"oh well. and memer boy?"

"he should be arriving in about no-"

"я чувствую запах мяса младенца" a voice comes.

"heyyyyy memer boy"

"я не могу сейчас говорить, товарищ, мне нужно позировать на кухне" he shakes his head an walks into the kitchen, outstretching his arms

"hi" a voice comes. we turn to the door. its the white one.

"my mAN!" eric shouts, running over to him.


"damn youre so handsome" eric flips his non-existent hair

"thanks your pretty hot"

"my pretty hot what"



"i know i am the most bestest at pick up lines all the girls want me haha"


"okay so now that everyone except y/n is here................"

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