Chapter 4

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"Where are we going?" asked Lan, still unweary of her surroundings, but Blaze assured her it was fine She glanced, a deep one in that period of time, to Blaze's blue eyes, until they met themselves with a cottage. It had the basic neccesities, the fireplace burning with the spark it needed, as Lan took a seat by the right.

There was a old bookshelf, and it was certain, with the dust lining every book, before Blaze got them some drinks in the fridge. It didn't taste anything like the plain, nutritional food in the asylum, as the bubbly carbonated soda ticked her throat as she laughed with glee. The couch was Blaze and her, and Blaze wasn't really one to be well-mannered. He placed his legs on the table as he took a second sip on the soda. The table creaked with the elderly age, before Blaze got down onto the couch.

His arm wrapped around Lan and she could smell the faint smell of his cologne via his neck, and she laid down on his shoulder, the blades of it poking her neck with hints of subtle enjoyment trickling down her bloodstreams.

"Falcon?" There was the hushed voice, before Lan felt Blaze's hair stand with shock and surprise. Turning, she saw a middle age women, the hems of her skirt knotted with a white ribbon, trims of dark blue fabric joining the tight silky purple with the professional sewing skills. Her hair was in a nice neat bun, no strand loose, the strawberry blonde hair that was dainty in nature, beautiful with the shines of the light that rose in from the curtains.

Blaze's expression was scary, his face pale, before he stammered, "Cecila... I'm sorry but I...."

"You what?" There was a silent rage that boiled in the woman's gut that intimidated Lan to such an extent that she jumped back, petrified. The acid tone and sonic glares that shook the atmospheric air made Lan's courage drop to a scary low.

"Didn't I repeat it enough times? Falcon, you are most certainly, and undeniably banned from my place!" She hollered that it made Lan's ribcage tingle with fear, and then Blaze yelled out something, something peculiar in language before they indulged in a heated conversation.

Words. Profanities of ever language seemed to break the silence. Before it was far too long, Cecila cried out in deep pain as Lan felt the warm sizzling sound on her cheek, tickling it in discomfort. In surprise, she turned to see Cecila's hand burning.

No it wasn't ordinary, the sting clearly affecting her as she did her best to hide discomfort. Collapsed on the ground, Blaze ran up and looked at the wound, before Lan's wings lit up again and died down slowly. The charm burned, and at that point a realization struck her from within.

Only supernatural appearances would burn the charm that greatly.

Right, I must be going half insane. Lan shook the thought out of her mind, before she went to the kitchen to get some water to soothe the wound. However, as she went to wet the towel, Cecila shouted out loud protests, before she swirled her hands around in the air, hair strands loose from the struggle, and in the midst, Blaze fell back.

"Oh shit." That was all Lan heard before she witnessed Blaze's hand glowing bright ember orange, and she knew what was going on. They were not human, barely human to say the least. Cecila used a force and with a shot, the mahogany table slammed towards Blaze, but Blaze deflected it with flames that blasted out of fiery red. It charred the wood, before Cecila made a mighty declaration, if Blaze, or Falcon, as she addressed, they were allowed to stay. If not....

"You leave. NOW." She finished her speech as a strong gush of wind sent Blaze flying back, hitting the bookshelves hard as the books dropped on his head with loud thuds. As Lan ran up to help Blaze get up, a sickening throbbing on her head stopped her, before her mind spelt out with the words.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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