This was where things didn't add up: Fenrir had made it sound like he found out recently that she was living on Earth... but if he really had emissaries on Jötunheim, then that meant he had known where she was for years.

Her heart crumbled a little "So you knew where I was all this time?" her voice cracked and although she tried to contain it, her eyes began prickling with tears "I spent all these years blaming myself for your death, I left Asgard because I couldn't stand being in it without you... you let me torture myself like that without ever reaching out?! I was shattered and you let me believe you were dead?!"

Past the hurt and the anger, she just wanted to know why... why did he willingly cut her out of his life? After all the love she'd given him... what more could she have done?!

"It was never that simple, Angrboda," he said quietly "Believe me. I didn't always have a choice."

"I-I really want to believe you..." her eyes began glistening "But can you honestly tell me you never, at any point in time, could reach out but chose not to?!" Fenrir didn't respond, his gaze was fixed at a distant point in the room. He couldn't even look at her.

"I did nothing but love you, Fenrir... I would've done anything for you. I-I don't understand... why was that not enough?!"

Fenrir maintained a composed expression, as always, but it still betrayed hints of the guilt he felt inside. He stayed quiet for a long time before his voice rose again, like a rumble in the silence.

"When I fell from the Bifrost I stayed in my Warg form and it allowed me to survive..."

She wiped her eyes "I know. You already told me that."

Fenrir ignored her comment. He was a million miles away, or rather, his mind had travelled decades in the past. The pain laced with those memories was so intense, the composure he had maintained until now was crumbling and it was written all over his face.

For a moment, Angie thought of telling him to stop. It was overwhelming to see him so vulnerable and she dreaded the pain that this trip down memory lane would cause him.

But she needed to know. She needed to understand... And so she let him continue.

"I floated in space for days. I still remember it feeling like I was in a trance. I couldn't breathe, but somehow, I didn't need to. All I had were my thoughts," his voice shook along with the trembling flicker in his eyes "Then, I was found by a group of intergalactic bandits. They thought I was some sort of beast, until I turned back into my normal body. Once they understood what I was, what I could do, they sold me off at a very high price to the sovereign of Ovid, a planet quite far from here. The Ovidians used me as a weapon. I was a prisoner, forced to fight their wars and defend their people... I was still a child, Angrboda... But all that changed when Lord Thanos came to save Ovid from its own corruption."

A bitter scoff escaped her lips "When he invaded the planet, you mean."

Fenrir's intense gaze plunged into hers. He seemed so vulnerable in that moment, he almost reminded her of the child he had once been. She had no doubt he was completely and wholeheartedly convinced by the things he was saying.

"Angrboda, Lord Thanos was the first one to look at me, not as a weapon or a monster, but as a child with the potential to thrive with his guidance. I learned to control my powers, to embrace the Warg instead of fearing it. I grew up under Lord Thanos' protection. He made me his apprentice, he treated me with respect, he gave me a purpose... When I became old enough to join his ranks, he made me Commander of his troops and I lead his armies to countless victories."

"Right at that time," she interrupted "When you first started to gain independence. Why didn't you come to find me then?"

He shook his head weakly "I did send people to find you on Asgard. I learned you had moved to Jötunheim along with Father."

Her expression melted into a scowl "Why would you do that? Why not come find me yourself?"

"It wasn't the right time, Angrboda! I wanted to find you when I was ready, when I had truly made a name for myself. I only wanted to reunite with you when I didn't need you to care for me anymore..."

"I am your sister. It's my job to care for you."

He shook his head again "In the mean time I had to make sure you were ready."

Something told her she was not going to like what Fenrir said next. Nevertheless, she asked the dreaded question "Ready for what?"

"I wanted you to be the greatest you could be. So that when I found you, we would take on the universe together!"

"What are you talking about?" it was taking all her willpower not to tell him he sounded completely insane.

Her brother inhaled deeply, bracing for the consequence of his next confession.

"The truth is, I sent someone to watch over you, on Jötunheim."


Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed this chapter! This book is close to its end and I'm leggit sad :/

Of course, as I've said before, The Saga of The Harpy is a trilogy so there will be a Book #3 but it will take a while to come out.

In the mean time, I am working on a social media fanfic closely linked to The Saga of The Harpy, so keep an eye out for that because I will post it soon!

- L

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