I finally get to move my body more freely since I've already gone through two months of phyisical therapy.

"That was rude." Jackson chucks the pillow back at me.

"You're rude to not like dogs." I huff as I continue to read my magazine.

I flip through some pages until I find an interesting page.

"Hey Jackson?"


"What does sex feel like?"

A series of coughs fill the room.

I sit up to see Jackson coughing into his hand. After a minute, he stops.

"What?" He stares at me as if I had the word 'idiot' painted on my face.

"What does sex feel like? And what's a condom?" I stare at the weird advertisement in the magazine.

"I think you should stop reading that magazine." Jackson tries to take the book of pictures and ads out of my hand.

"Nooo! Answer me first!"


"Jackson." I frown as Jackson sighs heavily.

Even though it happened months ago, Tammy's words still ring in my ears. I do need to grow up, so I need to learn the knowledge of life. And I know that sex is a very adulty thing that even Jinyoung does.

And I am an adult! And I should act like one...maybe.

"Do you even know what sex is?" Jackson finally lifts his head to my sight.

"Yeah. A girl's peepee area and a guy's pee sticks combine."

"Again with the pee sticks." Jackson chuckles.

"But what does that feel like?" I persist.

"I don't know how to tell you this Mark...this is um...awkward." Jackson bites his lip.

"Nuh uh! Tell me!"


"Jackson Wang! Tell me!" I grab his black shirt.

"It feels nice okay! Damn!" He finally gives me a satisfactory answer.

"Really? How nice?" I cock my head to the side.

"I can't tell you that. It's something you experience! It just feels nice and gives you pleasure."

"Pleasure? What kind of pleasure?"

"Goodness gracious, Mark. Have you never touched yourself before?"

"In the shower....oh! And when I lotion." I smile proudly thinking my answer was good.

"Oh boy, no not touching yourself. I mean touching yourself. Your um...pee stick. I can't believe I just said something so ridiculous." Jackson shakes his head in disappointment.

Touching my...gasp!

"What? You can touch it more than peeing?" I cover my mouth.

"See? You're too innocent for all of that. So this conversation has ended." He turns back to his laptop. I slam his laptop shut. It'll save, hopefully.

"No, our conversation hasn't ended."

Jackson stares at me for a long time. I can't tell if he's angry or irritated, maybe a little of both. Finally, he speaks:

"Why do you want to know so bad? You never really cared before."

"Because, I wanna be an adult." I pout. "Adults talk about this kind of stuff and they even experience it. I'm just a baby."

"Mark." Jackson grabs my face. "It's okay to not know about this kind of stuff."

"But I want to know!"

"You're too innocent. It's hard to talk about it if you don't experience it."

"Then...take my virginity."

Again, Jackson coughs uncontrollably.

"The hell was in that magazine?" Jackson's voice sounds strained.

I show Jackson the advertisement of a condom brand? I don't know what a condom is but the ad's catchphrase was, "It'll feel like losing your virginity a second time!"

"Don't read a magazine ever again." Jackson tells me strictly.

"Take my virginity first!"

"Do you know what you're saying Mark?"

"No! Wait...err yes!"

Wait a minute. Now that I've realized something. Me and Mr. Wang are both males, so that means, no girl's peepee area...

"Let's play duck up the butt!" I shake his shoulders.

"Mark!" Jackson stares at me so shocked.

"Whose duck goes up whose butt though?" I ask confused.

"You're killing me." Jackson's voice sounds ten times deeper, almost animalistic.

Suddenly, he shoves me onto the bed, my back falling onto the soft material. Simultaneously, he kisses me, quite aggressively.

Just like that kiss in the hospital, it's different from our others. His mouth dominating my mouth, his muscular body pressed against mine, and his hand gliding down my back to squeeze my butt. I gasp from the sudden action.

My face burns once he releases my lips.

"My duck, goes up your butt." His whisper is rough and luring.

"O-oh. Okay." I nod my head.

"You still need to recover. I don't want to hurt you." Jackson pushes my hair back as he kisses my neck. It makes me shiver.

"But trust me, when you're well enough," His intense gaze makes me gulp. "I'll make you mine, teach you all the things you want to know." He drags his moist lips down my neck.

"Be patient, Mark. The time will come soon." He leans close to my ear. "Then you'll be all mine, is that okay?"

I don't know why I say what I say next, but the way I feel under him with his voice so demanding and clear, it was by instinct.

"Yes master."

Hoho! Mark sure is curious
Duck in the butt action coming soon((((;
Sorry for the lame updates, forgive my sin(>-<)

Thanks for reading!

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