You were glad to hear him speak positively, and you couldn't help the honest grin that split your face, "of course! That sounds perfect." Quince seemed as if he was about to speak when he was interrupted by the door of the sitting room being opened and someone marching over to the two of you. Quince quickly let go of your face and backed up into his seat. You looked up; it was Jason. Right on time... you thought.

"Jason," Quince addressed. "How are you doing today?" For a moment, Jason didn't speak. He looked more troubled than usual, and a lot less stern, too. Is everything okay?

"I'm fine," he shifted his gaze to you. "I wanted... well, I was wondering if I could speak with you." He requested. In truth, you were expecting him to say something like this, but he was certainly less demanding than usual. Making sure he wouldn't be offended by your absence, you looked to Quince. He met your gaze and shrugged dejectedly. 

"I can come see you again after?" You offered to Quince as you moved to stand from your chair. He nodded.

"Sure, I'll see you then," he waved you off. You felt a little guilty about it, but something told you that Jason really wanted to speak with you. Jason was grateful that you were coming with, not that he expected you to refuse him. You held on to his arm loosely as he guided you to his room. Again. You were in here often.

When the two of you arrived, you took a tentative seat on the edge of his bed, "What did you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to apologize for letting things get out of hand with Ryo," He stayed standing instead of taking a seat.

"It's okay," you tilted your head and looked up at him. "I know you guys are just tense." He seemed relieved at your easy forgiveness as he took a few steps closer to you.

"Thank you for understanding, but I still wish I hadn't let you see me like that," he stepped even closer. "I don't want you to think of me as uncollected or as brash." Part of you wanted to ask what Ryo's accusations were about. When you thought about it, you really were spending a lot of time with Jason. You didn't want to think of It negatively, though, he was just trying to show how he cared. Probably. 

"I don't think of you that way, silly. You're my friend, so you don't have to worry about keeping some sort of straight-edge image up around me, okay?" You looked up at him. He was almost hovering over you at this point, barely twelve inches separated him from you.

"You're always kind, (y/n)," he smiled, taking your chin in his hand. "I want to know you very well. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," you replied, waiting.

"What do you think of me?" Jason implored. "Could you care for me the same way I care about you?" was the unspoken question in his mind.

"Think of you? I think of you as... a friend who is smart and cooks a lot. And you seem to care a lot about the people you're close with and you're protective," you began to ramble off random characteristics you associated with him, but Jason stopped hearing you. He was just watching your lips move. He had stopped himself last time, but he wanted to kiss you. He wanted to know what you'd think. 

"(y/n)," he interrupted you softly. You halted your words and looked expectantly at him. "There's something I've wanted to do, but I've been holding myself back. I'm afraid of you thinking less of me."

Your eyebrows furrowed, "I doubt you could do anything that would make me dislike you. What is it?" He didn't reply. The two of you stared into each other, both trying to figure out what the other was thinking. Before you could speak again, Jason leaned in. You felt heat rush to your face—no it wasn't what you thought it was, was it?

It was. Jason delicately pressed his lips to yours. He was soft and held you like you were glass—like he was afraid to hurt you. You didn't know how to react, but he smelled nice, at least. His eyes were shut and his face was flushed. He leaned back by a small margin and looked for your reaction. He's... surprisingly cute when he's blushing like that, you thought.

"Are you angry?" He whispered.

"I'm not angry," you answered. "But... I don't know if I can commit to any sort of romance right now, I don't know how I'm going to navigate relationships in this place yet." You felt guilty with your hands on his chest and the blush on your face. You didn't feel romantically for him, did you? You avoided his gaze.

"That's okay," he spoke softly. "Just know that I'll be here when you're ready. I've cared for you for a while. I want to be with you, (y/n)."

"You are with me," you pointed out.

"No, I want us to be together. I want us to know each other perfectly and to depend on each other. I can see myself being with you for almost every moment of eternity," Jason elaborated. You weren't sure how to respond to that. That's a lot.

"I need to think about these things," you pushed back slightly. Jason took the hint and separated from you completely, taking a few steps back.

"Of course. You know where to find me, and I hope things won't be weird between us."

"Things won't be weird," you stood from your seat on the bed. "Thanks for being respectful of my boundaries."

You didn't hear him reply. You were honestly a bit more jittery than you let on and you needed to get out of there fast. Without wasting a minute, you were out of his room and walking down the hall.

"No problem..." Jason replied, even though you weren't there to hear it. "I hope you come to your senses soon, (y/n)." 


this is the end of the second wave. Woohoo!

I'll be updating my other story later this weekend. I've been pretty busy! Unfortunately, I have to announce that I am likely to go on a short hiatus for both stories. I'll just miss one update--I'm not abandoning these stories or anything. My semester is starting and I've got a lot on my plate-- I need a little time to catch up. If you guys wanted something else small (like a Q&A orrr whatever) u can ask in the comments and I'll think about it! I appreciate all the reads, votes and comments. Wave three should be a bit more exciting haha.   

Qotd if u want-- Do you have a favorite videogame? Mine used to be Dragon age, but I think it's actually fable lol.  

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