1. Crazy and Weirder

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The Vampire King

1. Crazy

Valentino Colonna:

It was time for dinner.

I was itching to talk to Alyona alone about this.

I have a feeling, these siblings are up to something.

As I have observed so far.

No one knows they are siblings.

No one knows to which heritage of Witches do they belong.

Marfa tried taking to me again.

I asked her about her lineage.

And, she smartly changed the topic.

I asked Marva about his lineage.

He also changed the topic very smartly.

This is very alarming.

That bitch was talking about killing my mate.

I refuse, to belive I cannot have a mate.

All supernaturals have one.

I should have one, too.

I do have one, too.

"You okay, Val?" Alyona came by my side. She looked concerned.

I nodded, with a tight smile. "I gotta talk to you, though."

Her frown deepened. "Inside?" She raised her eyebrows.

I nodded.

We both walked inside and I made sure to shut the door.

We sat on the couch beside each other. "What is it?" She looked really concerned.

"Do you know to which lineage does Marva belongs?" I was straight to the point.

She was going to say something. Then frowned as she thought for a couple of seconds and then shook her head. "Not yet. Why?"

My confidence increased. I know, I'm right. "You do know that, Witches and Warlocks don't hide their lineage, don't you? Also, I found out. Marva and Marfa are siblings. I heard them talk about some ceremony for mating."

She frowned deeply. "What ceremony?"

"Exactly. They were talking about some ceremony. That they have been waiting since ages to do this ceremony. I have a really bad feeling about this, Aly." I held her palms.

I skipped the part where that crazy bitch said she'll end my mate.

I'll deal with that one, later.

"You're right. I did feel something off about both of them. I shouldn't have ignored it. I'm an idiot." She slapped her forehead.

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