7. Redemption Therapy

Start from the beginning

Margo was about to question why she could see his P3S data given the fact he was her colleague. The P3S data for Psychwatch officers and employees was always kept confidential unless the person permitted the viewing of their psychological data. However, she immediately remembered that Psychwatch officers undergoing redemption therapy would have their data revealed to the SanityScans at the end of the day when they've returned to their quarters or are sent to a therapy session. They'd be just like everyone else for a moment.

Jack was slouched down into his chair, twirling his fingers around out of boredom. He was very well-built. His shoulders were broad and his chin was chiseled. His light brown hair spiked an inch above his head, and small faded scars grazed his face around his left eye and cheek. And as for his eyes, they were like an uninhabited lake: beautifully blue, mesmerizing, yet cold and lifeless.

When the three women approached the table, he carefully tilted his head up so Margo had a clear view of his scars and flashed a smirk, one mixed with charisma and something deeply sinister.

"Good morning, Mr. Holloway," Margo said, doing her best to avoid eye contact with him out of Mason's suggestion. "Are you ready for today's session?"

"You're new," Jack replied as he scooted up. "Surprised Mason let a cute little nurse like you around someone like me on just their first day."

"Well, this 'cute little nurse' has training in psychology and law enforcement along with a Fatemaker in her jacket pocket. So I'd prefer if you didn't underestimate me. Got that, sir?"

Jack couldn't help but chuckle. "I think we'll get along just fine."

"Nikki, sweetie," Margo asked, "could you activate Mr. Holloway's NeuroLink to the Rorschach cards for me please?"

Those simple words nearly gave Nikki a heart attack. Margo was greeted with a look of pure terror, as if asking for her assistance was the same as asking her to die for a greater cause. With her heart pounding out of her chest, Nikki grabbed a small box containing a device similar to the ThoughtControl piece, clicked it open, and took the little device in her hand toward Jack.

Jack glanced Nikki up and down, fully aware of her dread. The smirk on his face never left. "What's the matter, sweetheart?" he taunted. "Nothing to be afraid of. I can't hurt you."

Nikki slowly approached the patient, her heartbeat growing more rapid. She had to fight back the urge to scream.

"You've got a cop, an armed nurse, and an entire facility to protect you, honey," Jack uttered, still aware of his control. "Don't be foolish and assume I'll be the end of everything."

"That's enough, Holloway," Mason ordered.

Nikki finally placed the NeuroLink against Jack's temple, and the device glowed green as it beeped to life. She nervously scurried back to her more trustworthy colleagues and dropped back down into her chair. Margo noticed she had popped open a small box of Psychwatch-prescribed pills and placed two in her mouth.

"Th-th-the NeuroLink has synced with the patient's emotions," Nikki stuttered as her pillbox snapped shut. "The cards are ready for use."

Margo briefly placed her hand down on Nikki's to reassure her safety before returning her view to Mr. Holloway. "Allow me to introduce myself," she said. "My name is Margo Sandoval. I'm an Empath here at Psychwatch, and I hear you've been working with them for a while. So how about we take some time getting to know each other a little more?"

"Sounds great," Jack replied. "Although, I'm not sure if Mason will let me bring someone back to the cell. Not while conscious anyway."

Margo blew off the harassment and took a card from Nikki. On the front was the word RORSCHACH in bold letters while the back contained questions for the evaluation. She proceeded to read them off.

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