Chapter 1 - Apparently I'm Not All That Important.

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"Cammie, honey please behave for your father, and please don't get yourself arrested." My obnoxious mother said staring at me intensely as she gripped my shoulders.

Wow, I guess she's serious.

But seriously I can't guarantee I won't not get into trouble, I'm that kind of person who can only have fun breaking the law, not matter how minor it may be.

"Sure mum, I'll try" I smirked, if only the poor woman only knew that I planned on causing havoc.

"Okay darling, this is your flight, your dad will pick you up from the airport and here is some money, contact numbers and addresses you may need." She said handing me a file which was titled 'Cameron's Trip To America'.


With that she smiled and headed for the exit.

"Love you too mom" I sarcastically mumbled to myself, in a mock American accent.

After roaming the shops in the departure lounge, and buying hundreds of magazines I headed for the gate.

Around 6 hours later, which were mostly spent sleeping, eating and reading magazines, I was half way to America, my new home for the next couple of years.

A long story.

At least my mother had the decency to get me a first class flight, but I was starting to regret that she did.

As soon as I walked onto the plane the flight attendant and my fellow first class passengers gave me funny looks.

I mean I am dressed in my ripped skinny jeans, nirvana t-shirt with a leather jacket, and I do admit that I do look a little too rough to be in the first class carriage,

But never judge a book by its cover.

The flight attendant came round half an hour after I had woken up from a 'nap', to serve dinner.

It was amazing.

There was a whole menu full of around 12 different starters, mains and desserts, and after spending a good while deciding what to choose I settled on meatballs for a starter, a 12" pepperoni pizza for a main and chocolate brownies for dessert.

One of the best meals of my life.

I was, however getting extremely bored and there was still 4 hours of the flight left.

I took out my MacBook and began to scroll through the movies I had recently bought but never bothered to actually watch.

I had managed to get through 2 movies by the time we landed, and I was beginning to get nervous.

I hadn't seen my dad in years, like maybe when I was 9, so 8 years ago.

What if he had changed, he probably has but what if he was like a drunk druggie. But I fought that idea away because he's been looking after my bother.

Oh god. What if he hated me?

I had friends who had older brothers who use to put spiders in their beds while they were asleep.

Whilst I was fretting about what my dad and brother would be like, I realised they are absolute pricks.

I'd been stood waiting for over an hour at the exit for them, only to realise they'd completely forgotten about me.

The Agency - A New PlaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora