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I stopped walking, to shock for that

"Jimin...what?" I asked looking at him, making sure he was serious

"I think that the baby needs both of his parents together y/n...like...you know"

"But Jimin... okay..say we do get married...we will be unhappy...like we don't love each other... and then what? The baby eventually will understand that we don't love each other and maybe... I don't know maybe it will hate itself and think that it was the reason we became unhappy or....i don't know... " different kinds of thoughts were running inside my head, but one was the thought that I was afraid of all...do I feel something for Jimin? And if so, does he feel the same way?

He looked down, feeling hurt on the inside, him not knowing why feeling that something inside him was tearing to pieces ...exactly... on his chest...were his heart located...his heart that was slowly tearing to pieces

He didn't know what this feeling meant, or exactly... he didn't want to feel it again. He was scared to feel the pain.  The pain of when you feel when you are in love and the other person hurts you,  but Jimin new y/n wasn't like she was, y/n was different.

He didn't know why he was feeling this way...with her...his student

What an irony...a student getting pregnant by her teacher

In the past,  Jimin did have a thing for y/n, more like a crush but he didn't think that this feeling for her would grow to become love. Especially since she was his student, he couldn't help but make sure his feelings were gone and he tried until it did go away, but as it looks like, some were there, never went away, and now became love

"Um..listen...i will think about it and I guess I tell you" a voice snapped Jimin out of his trace and he looked at y/n to see her looking down. "But...do you..like...feel anything for me?" she asked and raised her head and her eyes meet his

He didn't know how to answer that...he did but...how could he tell her?

"The truth," she said, still looking down and Jimin finally spoke

"Actually... yeah I do feel things for you," he said, heads up, not afraid anymore...

Yeah right you wish

He was actually terrified what would her reaction be if she would hate him if she going to broke him like she did

A glint of happiness was visible in her eyes, while she stood shook in front of Jimin, looking at him in the eyes

"You..you do?" you asked looking at him

She was flying inside her and didn't know why. She had an idea to why, but she wasn't sure

Her heart started beating faster and a small smile unconsciously planted on her lips

"Um...listen...uh I will think about it and tell you..." you said filling shy and nervous like you are always feeling around him

Jimin just nodded, not seeing that smile that was formed on y/n s lips and couldn't help but feel slightly hurt

"What did you expected, Jimin?" He thought to himself "her, loving me? Am her teacher. Am so stupid for even thinking that, I shouldn't have told her that... I shouldn't have proposed that to her"

You began to walk side by side, in an awkward silence

Soon, you arrived at the doctor

As you went in, your palms were starting to sweat from nervousness

Soon, you went to the doctor's office for her to examine you

She put a jell on your belly and looked at the screen

Slowly, she was frowning and you couldn't help but worry

"Is everything alright doctor?" Jimin asked, him noticing too, the frown on her face

At, last tho, a smile took place on her face, and the frown now was gone

"Yes, everything is alright. The babies are alright"

You and Jimin both sighed in relief until your eyes widened

"Babies?" you asked

"Yes, they're twins," the doctor said and you looked at Jimin to find him shook, but a smiled formed on his face after a few seconds

"Twins" he murmured under his breath and his eyes sinned with happiness


"So we are going to have twins," you said as you and Jimin were walking on the park, side by side, breaking the silence

Jimin had bought you chocolate-flavored ice cream, while he had chosen a strawberry one for himself

"Yeah I guess we are," he said and your eyes met for a few seconds

"what are we going to do?" you asked, still confused, didn't know what to say about getting married with Jimin "now it's two..."

"I don't know but I think that we should get married,  they need us both. Or maybe like...live together" he had a point "and especially the first time, when they are going to get borned, you are going to need help, especially if you are living alone,  or with a roommate, if you were living with your parents it wouldn't be so hard because they know about that kind of things, how it is to have babies" he said awkwardly

"No, I live alone"

"you are right, I will need help, I can't do it alone," you said after a while

"So?" he looked at you,  almost excitedly

"I..i think it would be a good idea to live together then.." your eyes locked together and you just stood there, lost in each other's eyes, the world around you disappears and a tingly feeling -almost like butterflies, someone would describe it - grows in the pit of your tummy, while your heart starts beating faster than normal

What is this feeling? Is this love? No...it can't be..., right?

Am I falling in love with my teacher?

You can feel yourself leaning closer little by little, as you see your teachers face doing the same

Fuck, this is so wrong, but why does it feel so wright

A voice woke you up from your trace and your eyes momentary widened

Sex Gone Wrong •a Park Jimin FF•Where stories live. Discover now