Chapter 9

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"Your control panel is marvelously complex. Some of the highest technology I've ever seen in a Cyborg!"

Dr. Ozpin spun the holograph the other way and then the other. Cinder sat the there dangling her legs at the edge of the table.

"And look at the wiring along your spine."

"Are you done nerding out yet?"

Dr. Ozpin ignored Cinder and continued studying the holograph.

"It melds so perfectly with your central nervous system."

"I guess not."

Cinder muttered.

Dr. Ozpin continued babbling on.

"Pristine workmanship. And ah! Look here!"

He pointed to the holograph's pelvis.

"Your reproductive system is almost untouched. You know most female cyborgs are left infertile because of the invasive procedures but from the looks of it, I do not suspect you will have any problems."

Cinder sat on on the exams tables, her feet dangling and her chin resting on both the palms of her hands.

"Oh lucky me."

Said Cinder sarcastically.

The doctor wagged a finger at her.

"You should be grateful your surgeons took such care."

"I'm sure I'll be grateful when I find a guy who thinks complex wiring in a girl is a turn-on."

Cinder clicked her heels against the metal base of the table.

"Does this have anything to do with my immunity?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

The doctor took out a pair of spectacles from his pocket and slid them onto his face, still staring at the holograph. Cinder tilted her head.

"Don't they pay you well enough for corrective eye surgery?

"I like the way these feel."

Dr. Ozpin dragged the holograph.

"Speaking of eyes, how did you lose your your left eye?"

"An android blew up in my face a few months back while I was working."

"We can arrange for you to get a Cyborg eye to help you see."

"I've already got a friend working on one for me for free. I can't exactly afford one nor would Adriana let me buy one despite the fact that's it my lien. I do all the work around the house and pay the bills so she can sit around and do nothing. That's basically how it works in the Ironwood house hold."

Cinder swing her legs back and forth from the examination table.

"She sounds like a tyrant."

"You don't know the half of it."

Dr. Ozpin continued studying the holograph.

"Look at your heart," he said gesturing the the holograph and getting back on topic. "These two chamber are made primarily of silicon, mixed with bio tissue. Amazing!"

Cinder pressed her hand against her chest. Her heart. Her brain. Her nervous system. What haven't they tampered with?

Her hand moved to her neck, tracing the ridges of her spine as her gaze traveled to the metal vertebrae, those metallic invaders.

"What's this?"

She asked, stretching forward and pointing at shadow on the diagram.

"Ah Yes. My assistants and I were discussing that earlier. It looks to be made of different material than the vertebrae and it's right over the central cluster of nerves. Perhaps it's meant to correct a glitch."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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