Chapter 4

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Cinder walked into the house and Adriana looked infuriated and tears were pooling in her eyes. Cinder was hoping to avoid her but instead she was right in front of her Penny looked over at Cinder and Cinder felt a tear escape her one amber eye.

"Penny. Please take all of Militia's things to the junkyard and have them burned. Her clothes could have traces of lutemosis on them I want everything sent to junkyard and burned."

Said Adriana.

"Yes mam."

Said Penny rolling away heading in the direction of Militia's room.

"I was hoping it was you and not her! I already lost ironwood! Ironwood should've never brought you home! I got a call today saying that Militia had been taken-"

Adrianna's voice broke and she wiped away a tear.

Cinder felt her heart break.

"I was expecting that any minute now that I would get a call that my ward would be taken away too but here you are. There was an outbreak today at the market place next to YOUR booth Cinder!"

Said Adrianna.

"They tested me and I came back clean! I wasn't carrying the disease! You can have me checked again if you want."

Said Cinder.

Tears pooled in Adriana's coal black eyes and cinder felt a few tears stream down her face.

"I'm sorry I loved her too..."

Said Cinder with tears in her eyes.

"LOVE?! Does your kind even know what love is or is just programmed?!"

Shouted Adriana angrily.

Then Adriana cleared her throat and glared at Cinder.

"I was okay with you being here at first because you looked normal and Militia really liked you Cinder but then you had to melt you face off and embarrass this family! And then you had to to take my daughter into a junkyard! And now she's sick because of you!!!"

Shouted Adriana.

"You make it sound like I wanted to burn my face off."

Shouted Cinder angrily.

"Maybe you did! Maybe you wanted to embarrass me! Maybe you wanted to get back at me!"

Said Adriana.

"I didn't ask to have my face blown off! I'm sorry that I'm such an embarrassment!"

Shouted Cinder In tears.

Adriana slapped Cinder across the face and she fell to the ground hard. Cinder clutched her throbbing cheek with tears in her eyes.

"I took you in because Ironwood insisted upon it and Militia liked you so I let you stay however my family comes first before you. Ironwood should've never taken you in! He put us into financial ruin by building his stupid machines and that piece of garbage Penny!"

Shouted Adriana pounding her fist on the kitchen table.

"You're so selfish Cinder! All of this is your fault!"

Shouted Adriana.

"Selfish?! You wouldn't have any income if it weren't for me! I'm the one who does all the cooking, cleaning and laundry. You wouldn't have anything if it weren't for me and you still treat me like garbage!"

Said Cinder angrily.

"Tell me Cinder who would take you in? You're an absolute atrocity!"

Said Adriana.

"I'd be much better off than with you!"

Said Cinder firmly.

"Is that so. I've decided to do what's best for this family Cinder. You're not apart of this family! I don't care that my husband James Ironwood brought you home I never agreed to take you in but James insisted upon it so I did! I Could care less about you cyborgs but... You're actually very useful."

Said Adriana with a smirk on her face.

Then a bunch EMT and med droids came in.

"Ms. Fall your sacrifice is very much admired and your family will be reimbursed for your kindness."

Said the med droid.

"You volunteered me for plague testing?!"

I shouted.

"I want a cure for my daughter!"

Shouted Adriana.

"NO SHUT UP!!!! You don't care about Militia! All you care about is your stupid pay out!!!"

Shouted Cinder.

"We all have to make sacrifices and believe me Cinder Fall."

Said Adriana while cupping Cinder's face.

"You're one sacrifice that I'll never forget!"

Said Adriana.

Then Adriana looked at the EMT's.

"Take her away!"

Said Adriana.

The EMT's came towards Cinder and she tried to fight them back as she grabbed the Magbelt she had in her possession and she tried to attack the EMTs with it but she felt a surge of electricity being shot through her and her system began to short out and then everything went black.

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