Chapter 6

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Cinder woke up in a small room with her wrists locked to the examination table and she tried to break lose from her restraints but she couldn't. She growled in frustration.


Shouted Cinder while freaking out.

Cinder felt hot tears stream down her face. She couldn't even move. She was terrified. She started crying and was barely moving. Then an anonymous male voice came from the loud speaker,

"Cinder Fall. There is no need to be alarmed. You responded very well to our tests while you were unconscious. We thank you for your cooperation. Please be patient while we run more tests."

Said the mysterious voice.

"Like hell!!!"

Shouted Cinder.

Then a med droid came towards Cinder and forced a blue liquid down her throat and she almost gagged. It tasted horrible. Cinder felt like she wanted to throw up.

"What the hell did you give to me?!"

Shouted Cinder.

The med droid did my reply.

"HEY! I'm talking to you!"

Shouted Cinder angrily.

The med droid ignored her and then it walked away leaving Cinder strapped to the table.

"Ms. Fall there is no need to be alarmed."

Said the anonymous voice.

"Like hell! You have me strapped to a table and forced an awful liquid down my throat!"

She screamed.

Then the restraints that strapped Cinder's wrists and ankles to the table were unlocked and automatically. Cinder got up from the table and she heard someone come to the door and she grabbed a syringe with a needle attached to it and held it out in front of her.

A man with grey hair walked in. He was wearing a white lab coat and he had a green shirt on and black slacks with plain black loafers. He had black glasses and he was carrying a Cain.

He looked old but not too old. He had grey hair and piercing black eyes and some slight wrinkles but not too many. He looked like he was in his early fifties.

"Ms. Fall. I am Dr. Ozpin."

Said the man.

"Don't touch me!"

Cinder screamed.

"Me. Fall. Please put the syringe down. I'm not here to hurt you. I bring good news."

Said Dr. Ozpin.

"Like hell!"

Shouted Cinder as her grip tightened on the syringe.

"Cinder. Please put down the syringe."

Said Dr. Opzin.

Cinder then saw Dr. Ozpin who at that moment looked innocent and frail. He looked like a frail old man. Cinder then felt herself drop the syringe like she was forced to some how.

"Shhh... Relax it's alright."

Said Dr. Ozpin while sitting Cinder down on a small hospital bed.

Cinder felt frail and weak as he helped her to bed and he stood up in front of her with a clipboard.

"Ms. Fall. You tests... We injected the Luetemosis virus into your system and it was so incredible. You were able able to fight off the disease even in stage for with is the worst stage and no one has made it past stage four and survived but you... You some how miraculously survived."

Said Dr. Ozpin.

"So that means what exactly?"

Asked Cinder.

"Cinder. This means that you are immune to the disease."

Cinder (RWBY and Lunar Chronicles Crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ