Chapter 6: He said, She said

Start from the beginning

Ricky: "Hey, Morgan free today?

Aww, Morgan would be so happy to see him today that would make her day. I texted him back.

Me: Yes, she gets out of camp at 4 pm. would you like to pick her up?

Ricky: Yeah send me the addy

Me: Okay I'll tell her

Ricky: What your schedule looking like this weekend?

I rolled my eyes seeing the message. No, Ricky, we can't do this. We can't go back in time, I don't want any parts.

Me: I have no idea

I put the phone down trying to get two more hours of sleep before I had to get back up.


I woke up in the middle of the night hearing crying. "What's the problem now? I got up removing the covers from around media walked across the hall seeing Shani comfort Kyle. "What's wrong? I asked. "He had a bad dream" she frowned rubbing his back. "It was just a dream," I said looking at him. "I had a dream someone was trying to hurt me," he said. I'm always uncomfortable when people cry let alone my little brother. "Quit all that crying, just calm down," I told him. Shani rolled her eyes "its okay baby are you okay? She asked him. He nodded his head calming down getting back in bed. "You sure you okay bro? I asked. "Yes," he said wiping his eyes. Shani tucked him back in bed as I walked back into my room. I sat on the edge of the bed. A nigga was stressed out and the fact that he's dreaming about shit liked that at 5 is killing me. I thought when I was around Josie's family and my nieces it was going to be a breeze once I raise my child. I now have the responsibility of raising my little brother and it's not as easy as I thought. Shortly she came in with an attitude "You need to stop telling him that he can't cry" she said frustrated. "What are you talking about? I asked. She closed the door "You know exactly what I'm talking about, come on Ricky he's still a baby" she said

"Look, I just don't want him growing up being soft. He lets the littlest things get to him if he falling out over the smallest shit I can't even imagine how he's going to maintain when he gets older" I said. She just didn't understand I was sensitive as a child and look where it got me. "You're thinking too ahead in the future, it's in his nature. I can see if he was 10 he's still a toddler practically, you're projecting your fears on him and I hate seeing it" she said. "Well that's how I was raised, you don't have kids anyways-

"Neither do you, so what are you saying? She fired back. This conversation was going left fast. "Okay, this shit is going left. I hear you, I just gotta work on that" I said. "You do because you'll have kids one day Ricky. Kyle will be okay he's in good hands just let him be a kid" she said. She was right I'm not trying to be like my dad but at the same time. I don't want Kyle to be a pushover kid I can't help that I want him to run the damn sandbox. "I think I'm going to go," she said. Her whole expression changed and she looked sad. I started to feel bad "Shani," I said

"I didn't mean it, l just didn't expect you to care that much," I said

"Hmm maybe because even though we're friends with benefits I'm around you all the time and grown attached to your little brother. But I guess since I'm not a mother I have no say so" she said grabbing her purse. I sucked my teeth "Shani, you know I didn't mean it like that. I don't have a child of my own. Come here" I said pulling her back. "I can't have children Ricky thanks for reminding me," she said

"Hold up, you didn't even tell me that how was I supposed to know? I asked

"Well you know now," she said saddened. "That's not even fair I questioned something but because I didn't know, now I'm a bad person," I said. Damn, a nigga was trying we all know I don't know what comes out my mouth sometimes but I'm trying but even then I swear women use that shit as a crutch to go off on me or something. "Never said you were," she said. "I'm sorry to hear that, I didn't know I wasn't trying to offend you," I said. "I'm going to go, I need to clear my head" she said.

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