Chapter 6

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Hey guys! Renee here! Hope y'all had a good New Year and that your resolutions are going well. Mine aren't but that's besides the point! Here another chapter

Marina looked at the picture of her family. She looked... Happy. Not any more. Walking over to the picture, she places her hand on it and activated her power. The picture burst into flames before falling onto the floor. Ash landed on the floor while some pieces stilled burned, a black flame licking at the paper.

Marina's POV

I smiled, thinking to myself how I could possibly make them burn. I could have Maven help me, and we could blame it one of the servants. Have them executed too! My grin widened as a plan formed in my head.

Stars lines the sky like someone took white paint on a brush and splattered it. Everyone was asleep except for me. I walked into the room of my parents. They were laying in bed, sound asleep. I smirked evilly.

Slowly, I walked over to them. Placing a hand on each one of them, black flames sprouted to life. Screams of pain filled the room. I ran out the door and into my room. I climbed under the bed, acting like I was asleep.

A maid ran into the room the next morning. "Lady Marina! I have terrible news!"

"Speak of this news." I already knew what she was going to say. I had to act dumb though.

"Your. Your parents. They are dead." A frown decorated her face.

Fake shock shown on my face. "W-what?"

Hey guys! Sorry that turned a little dark towards the end but nothing too terrible. Just some death. Anyway, that's it for this chapter. See y'all in the next one!

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