Le début de notre Éternelle Chanson

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"[...]Et comme chaque jour je t'aime davantage,
Aujourd'hui plus qu'hier et bien moins que demain,
Qu'importeront alors les rides du visage ?
Mon amour se fera plus grave - et serein.
Songe que tous les jours des souvenirs s'entassent,
Mes souvenirs à moi seront aussi les tiens.
Ces communs souvenirs toujours plus nous enlacent
Et sans cesse entre nous tissent d'autres liens.[...]"

extrait de de R.Gérard

"[...]And as every day I love you more,
Today more than yesterday and much less than tomorrow,
What will facial wrinkles matter then?
My love will be more thoughtful—and serene.
Considering that everyday memories are piling up,
These memories of mine will be yours too.
Those common memories entwine us all the more
And constantly between us weave other links.[...]"

extract from the translation by

A breathy chuckle escapes you as you thumb slides up your feed, scrolling through the dozens of identical pictures showing you and your husband, newly married and holding hands as you head towards the airport for your honeymoon. It is not the first time you see yourself in pictures posted all over the internet, it simply still feels weird.

You look sideways when you hear footsteps shuffling across the terminal floor and smile. Taehyung sits down next to you after his errand.

"Here's yours," he huffs as he hands you your cup of coffee.

You put your phone away and takes it from him, "thank you."

It is still early in the morning and so neither of you is yet very talkative. The surroundings are quiet and the recomforting earthy smell helps calm your nerves before the flight. Slowly sipping the piping hot drink, your grasp dangerously loosens when you feel Taehyung nuzzle against your neck to softly yet lengthily peck it. He lets out a victorious chuckle when he catches you blushing out of the corner of his eye.

It is the first time you get to spend several days with him, only him, and miles away from any familiar face. It makes you feel incredibly excited.

Hours later and once comfortably settled in your five-stars hotel suite, you both get prepared to go to bed. Each naturally respects the other's privacy the time needed to get acquainted with your new life together.

You have never shared a room before, even less slept together and so when Taehyung suddenly remembers about that one thing that had crossed his mind and he has to tell you and therefore makes his way to the bathroom where you are changing clothes walks towards the bathroom, he suddenly ends up rooted to the spot.

His eyes subtly grows wider after he has caught sight of you past the door you have left ajar where he can glimpse at the side of the swell of your naked breast right before it disappears beneath the golden silky nightgown. Taehyung cannot look away, swallows with difficulty and has completely forgotten what he intended to say to you.

Oblivious, you walk out of the bathroom at the same time he slips underneath the covers, leaving for you a lot of room on the queen size bed. You smile to each other as you climb right next to him, trying to repress the foreignness of it and embracing your newly found intimacy.

It feels good to lie next to him, you feel happy at the thought of sharing one bed together and ready to spend all your night by his sides. Although, you cannot help but have some of your uncertainties keep your mind busy.

You never had a boyfriend before Taehyung, you never had anyone touching you like he is; like the way he rests his arms on top of your dress to prevent the wind to lift it and reveal the smooth expanse of your naked thighs, or how his hand blindly looks for yours or catch on anything that is you, how he mindlessly kiss the back or the side of your head at any time, the way he gently brushes your hair out of your face or keeps burying his in the crook of your shoulder. And just as all of those do not go unnoticed by you, they do not fail to make you blush like the inexperienced young woman you are, utterly virgin of any contact.

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