Chapter 1: Coffee whipped

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My pace is picking up. I am trying as much as possible not to look behind me, where creepy hoodie guy is currently hot on my trail and doesnt look like he is just an ordinary passer-by.

What started off as a nice trip to the local grocery store to get myself some much needed house supplies and starbucks is starting to feel like a scene out of 'Hot pursuit'. I started getting suspicious of hoodie guy the moment he walked into the shop... well, okay, maybe not the moment he walked into the shop. Probably the time around when he  walked over to Jeremiah Hastings, the barrister at the little corner of the shop where they had a starbucks stand, and high-fived him. Heaven only knows how much I ha-...ok strongly dislike, (more like detest) Jeremiah. Not only is he the most cringy and annoying flirt on the face of the earth, he is also my neighbour and the reason why I stopped going to the local christian fellowship center.

Yes, I am a Christian (well more like Christian-ish or Christian lite if there is such a term) and yes, I stopped going to church. I mean don't get me wrong here, I love God and everything, and I am not stuck up or anti-social. I just don't go to church anymore...why? Well, that's another story, with sweaty, swanky Jeremiah's name written all over it.
Back to mysterious grey hoodie guy.
Ok, so he walks into the shop, which isn't that big might I add, and makes a beeline for the lady's section, where he picks up a box of Kleenex and....tampons? Ok, weird... anyways he picks up a few other random things and then walks over to *ugh* Jeremiah, smiles at him, makes what I think is small talk, since I couldn't really hear anything from where I was standing. Then he gives Jeremiah a high five and takes his coffee. And then, it happened. Out of nowhere, Jeremiah turned around and gave me one of his cringy, creepy smiles. Ugh, I wonder if he thinks those are attractive, with the way he is always throwing the around..especially when I'm around...cue eyeroll.

Anyways Jeremiah gives me his creepy smile and then gave a faux slap on hoodie guy's back and made him turn and look in my direction. He pointed at me, said a few words, threw one last creepy smile at me and then walked back to his coffee stand. Ok, major weird. Luckily, I was  already done picking up my stuff at the till and was on my way out of the weirdness, when hoodie guy, whose face I couldn't make out by the way, made a hand signal, as if to tell me to wait up for him.

So I got two options here:
Wait for tall, hoodie guy to pay for his stuff and come over and say whatever it is he wants from me, or I could make my way outta here and rush home where I couldn't wait to get on with my binge watching of the bachelor,
And option two it is. I am not a bad person, but there is no way I am going to stand here, close to midnight, ok maybe not really close to midnight...well eight o'clock is close enough, anyways there is absolutely no way I  am going to stand here and wait for one of  tacky Jeremiah's friends come and accost me with nonsense like he usually does.

So out I go, groceries in my hands, sticking out everywhere, threatening to fall to the ground. Yes, I am one of those people who would sooner give their left leg than pay for a plastic bag. Sue me. The moment I step outside, nature decides to bless me with the heavenly bliss of rain...the one day I forget my umbrella, how nice, 😐.

Welp, I decide that I might as well grin and bear it, since the rain didn't look like it was going anywhere, but hoodie guy looked like he was. My two tubes of toothpaste slip out of my hands and land on the tarred ground of the parking lot , I turn around to pick them up, when lo and behold, hoodie guy is running in what looks to be my direction. To be fair, he could just be running to his car since it is raining, but I am not taking any chances, especially after he tries to wave me down.

I quickly pick up my fallen grocery supplies, and start running towards my car. Why, oh why had I not thought to park my beat-down old car near the entrance!
Oh right, I'm also one of those people that has a particular spot they like parking in, regardless of the fact that it is all the way across a public parking lot. Again, sue me.

Upon channelling the Micheal Felps/Ussein Bolt in me, I finally reach my  Aston Suzie Martin. Yes my car is called Aston Suzie Martin, it is not an Aston Martin though, it's just called Aston Suzie Martin because...well, because I said so. I open the door to my old truck just in the nick of time, because hoodie guy, who was catching up to me, trips over something and falls flat on his face on the tarmac road.

Yes! Now is my chance, I put my keys in the ignition, turn and....nothing. Nothing is happening. I try it again, my truck makes a loud huffing/wheezing sound, and again, nothing happens. No! No, no, no, no! Hoodie guy is already on my window, banging as loud as anything. I stubbornly continue trying to start my car, at this point I see the silhouette of what I assume is his now angry face. He keeps on banging on my window, it's raining cats and dogs now. I write on my now misty window "no way dude" and miraculously, at that precise moment, Aston decides to stop acting up and I drive out of there. Happy that I had manged to escape from hoodie guy. Phew!


Hey guys! That's my first chapter of Coffee Whipped Guardians! Am soo excited!!! Feel free to leave comments, vote and share.
CONSTRUCTIVE crticsm only guys...toodles
; )

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