Chapter 18~Forgoten But Loved

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Morgans POV

For the first time in over a week I'm not in excruciating pain. As I opened my eyes I notices many eyes on me. From left to right I saw Connor Jc Ricky Kian Trevor Alex Brie and when I looked to my right I saw a curly haired boy with a lip ring and he was holding my hand. He was pretty cute.

Alex and Brie instantly ran to me and hugged me. I tried hugging back but pain shot through my muscles. I winced and they noticed. Then all the O2L boys came and hugged me one by one. Except for the curly haired boy. He just stared at me.

"Where am I?"

"Your at the hospital" The curly haired boy stated. I looked at him and realized he was holding my hand. I quickly took my hand back. Hurt was written all over his face.

"Wait if I'm in a hospital where are my parents and why were you holding my hand?" I questioned. They all exchanged nervous glances.

The curl haired boy left and returned with a doctor.

"Why doesn't she remember me?" He said through a clenched jaw.

"She did hit her head pretty hard. Its not unusual to not remember a few things" He said walking over to me. The doctor sat in a chair next to my bed.

"So Morgan, Tell me who in this room you do know"

"I know Connor, Jc, Ricky, Kian,Trevor, Alex and Brie. And where are my parents?" I said looking around.

"Your parents died about a month ago" Alex spoke up.

The tears started flowing and the curly haired boy came over and hugged me. I felt safe in his arms. It all flowed back. My parents dying. Sam asking me out. Sam cheating. Sam and I making up.

I pulled away his arms still around me.

"I remember" I whisper. He kissed me passionately. God did I missed this. Everyone awed and clapped.

"Hey doc? When can I leave?"

"You can leave now if you feel ok" I looked at Sam with a sweet smile.

"Well now I feel even better" I looked at him. He smiled and picked me up bridal style.

"Sign Morgan out for me?" He asked Connor he nodded and we walked out. Sam carried me to the car and put me in.

When we got to my house we went inside to make me real food. But first I had to get out of the hospital dress. We ended up making waffles with chocolate chip cookies and Arizona for dessert. We cuddled and watched movies the rest of the night. My life is falling back into place. Finally.


So this super short cruddy chapter is way over due. I'm so sorry for not really updating good chapters I've been kind of busy with babysitting this kid.

Oh and please please PLEASE check out my other story on another account that I share with Logan_S
Its called Two Girls, One Boy. Please go read it comment vote and share it.



                                   ~Morgan Pottorff

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