Chapter 15~Red...Red Everywhere

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I woke up in a dark damp room with cement walls and the horrible smell of mold and mildew. There was one window and it was right in front of me. So the light was practically blinding me. I tried to shield my eyes with my hand and that was when I realized I was tied to a metal chair in the center of the room. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to the door. When it finally started to creak open I snapped my head back so I was staring at the wall in front of me. When he noticed I was awake he walked over to me with a bottle of water.

"Oh I see the little b*tch is finally awake" He spat at me thinking he was clever. I just spit in his eye. That's when I felt my cheek sting and my head flung the opposite way of which I was just slapped. My cheeks felt like they were vibrating. But no matter how much it hurt I kept an emotionless face. A trick I learned from previous beatings. He was getting angry that I showed no emotion so he punched me in the stomach. I still show no pain but on the inside I was screaming out of pain.

"So that's how you wanna play it?" He stated rather than a question. He exited the room and re-entered with a butchers knife. I tried my hardest to keep calm but it was no use I am extremely afraid of sharp objects. Sweat droplets started forming on my forehead and my mouth ran dry.

"So the baby is afraid of knives" He said with an evil smirk while examining the knife as he twirled it on his index finger. He dragged the knife down the front of my shirt causing it to rip open. The knife was so sharp it even dug into my skin a little. I winced at the pain as the warm liquid poured out of my stomach soaking my shorts. He dragged the knife down the sides of my bloody legs. More and more blood poured out. In only a few moments there was a pool of blood around me and my head was killing me.

"Oh Morgan how you've grown" He smiled creepily at me. I was confused but then I remembered I wasn't  a minor anymore. As if reading my mind my 'uncle' spoke up.

"So your 18th birthday was two weeks ago am I right?" h

He said calmly passing in front of me still examining the large knife that was now covered in blood. "Still not talking, eh? It doesn't matter anyway all that matters is if I do what I want to do to you its legal" He spat. "Any questions b*tch?"

I went to speak but my mouth and throat were extremely dry. He grabbed the water bottle he walked in with and put it to my lips. I chugged 3/4 of it in what I'm sure was record time.

"Woah slow down"

"You try going a day without water"

"Princess, you went a week without water" My eyes widened with shock then pure anger because he called me princess.

"Don't call me princess! Only my dad and Sam can call me that!" I growled

"Oh well your dad is dead and you will never see Sam again so..." He trailed off and tears brimmed my eyes at the thought of never seeing Sam again and the fact he had the nerve to even talk about my dad.

"So... Princess...Here's the deal. You are going to be my slave...again. It'll be just like old times. Oh and don't even try to escape because I have locks on all doors and windows. And if I do catch you trying to escape you will either get a special beating or something..." He trailed off looking me up and down "A little nor pleasurable, for me at least" He walked behind me and untied my hands. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs. When we reached the top my eyes widened.

"Y-you brought me back?"

"So you remember" We were in the hall of my old house that was closed off because it had possible 'evidence' from the first time my uncle was  arrested. My parents used to leave him to watch me and he treated me like a slave and beat me a lot. One day my parents came home early to surprise us and walked in to him beating me in the living room. My dad jumped on him and my mom called the police. I was really happy when he left and everything was ok for a month. Then the whole thing with Ally happened.

Why would he take me back here? Probably to torture me mentally with all of the memories that I had here. That sounds vile enough to come from his mind.

Sam's POV(Right after Morgans uncle took her)

As I stood on the beach right where he had taken her I had to think of who that could've been.

I went to Morgans house and called Brie to meet me and Alex there. Brie got here pretty fast.

"Guys Morgan has been kidnapped" They gasped and Alex started crying Brie just looked at me in pure shock.

"Call the police. NOW!" I did as told and they were here in ten minutes.

"Now can you describe what the man looked like"

"Uh Yes. He had a shaved head, uh he looked like he was a large man. Not fat but just well built. Even from a distance you could see his black eyes. He had a scar on his forehead. And that is all I really saw." I said shyly putting my head down.

"Is this him?" The artist said turning the drawing pad around for me to see. I nodded my head vigorously.

"That's him!" I practically yelled.

"Hey isn't that Jack McLean, The one we arrested for abuse to a child and attempted assault" The other officer nodded.

"What was your girlfriends name again?" He asked me.

"Morgan?" I said questioningly.

"Oh dear lord" The officer said to his partner who was currently going wide eyed.

"What, What do you know"

"I'm afraid your girlfriend is in grave danger. That man was her uncle and he was arrested 4 years ago for abusing your girlfriend, Morgan was it?" I started going teary eyed. What was he doing to her? Now that she was 18 he could do anything. Oh my god. I need to find her.

<><><><><>One Week Later<><><><><

She was still missing. The cops had no idea where to start looking. I haven't eaten or slept much since the day she was taken. Its like my body was numb. I couldn't get the thought of what he was doing to her out of my head. Alex had the idea that she could be where she used to live. We notified the police and they checked and she wasn't there. But they found clues as to where they were now because at one point they were in that house.

My thinking was interrupted by a phone call.


Ok short chapter. But still a chapter.

Who do you think called?

A. The police saying they found her

B. Kian

C. Morgan

D. Uncle

E. Other

Comment what you think.

Anywhoo Vote and Share the chapeyyy :)))

Buh-Bye Lovelys    ♥xoxo♥


                          ~Morgan Pottorff

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