Chapter 2~Him

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This is supposed to take place in 10th grade. Yes I know Sam is older than that but I want it like that. And you'll see why later in the story. :))


Morgan's POV

He walked in and my heart stopped. He was gorgeous with his lip ring and curly brown hair sticking out of his beanie.

I started mentally freaking out, because the only seat left was next to me...


Was he staring at me!?!?

Sam's POV

As I walked into my second period class, I saw her... and after that I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

She was beautiful, she had hair that was about half way down her back, it was brown and wavy with natural highlights and green-ish eyes with black matte Ray-Ban glasses framing them.

I was broken from my trance when the teacher told me to take a seat.

I scanned the class for a seat and the only one that was open was next to her.

"YESSSSS" I mentally screamed. I put a smirk on my face and started walking towards the seat next to her.

I didn't know what to say to her I am usually a smooth guy but this girl had me speechless and breathless.

About halfway through class I finally worked up the courage to talk to her. I decided to pass her a note instead . Wait...What since when do I work up courage to talk to a girl or pass a note to her.

So I slid it on her desk. I guess she saw it out of the corner of her eye because she didn't even look at me and she took it and hid it so she could read it without drawing attention.

Morgan's POV

He passed me a note.


Not the really pretty girl in front of him. With blonde hair, a gorgeous face and body wearing shorts and a crop top with a beanie and looked like she could be a model.

~~~~On The Note~~~~



S: Hey, I'm Sam you wanna hang later. (some random phone number that is supposed to be his);)

M: I'm Morgan and sure it sounds like fun.

S: K text me after school and I'll give you directions to my house ;)

M: Kk see you then :)

~~~~End Of Note~~~~

Who was this girl that I was acting like. Of course I was gonna say yes I mean how could you say no to him. But still at my other school I would have never said yes I would have told him I was busy because I was afraid to get hurt. But with him it was different. I wasn't afraid.. Hell, I just met him and already trust him enough to hang out at his house with him.

I'm being oddly courageous today.

~~~~After School~~~~

The eighth period bell rang 5 minutes ago so I decided to text him

M: Hey its Morgan. R we still on to hang out today?

About 1 minute later he replied.

S: Yea totally:)

Then he sent me the directions to his house and I got there within 10 minutes.

When I got to his house I noticed that there was only one car in the driveway. I walked up to the door and rang the door bell. Sam answered.

"Hey" I said shyly

"Hey" He replied and gestured for me to come in.

When I walked in I saw a big L shaped couch with a big flat screen. Along with a little boy watching Yo Gaba Gaba.

"Awwww" I said

"That's Levi"

"Well he is adorable"

He was adorable he was like a tiny Sam with blonde hair. Levi looked over at me and grinned. He even had the same grin as Sam.

Sam asked Levi if he would be ok if we went upstairs. And Levi said he was ok.

Sam lead me up to his room. And opened the door. I was a little afraid at first but then I realized that he wouldn't do anything because Levi was here. Would he?

I didn't know what to say or do so I just sat on the edge of his bed. He sat down next to me. I finally said something.

"So tell me about you"

"Hmmm" he was thinking

"Well my name is Sam. I'm 15.  I like to ride my penyboard and play with my little brother. My parents work a lot and usually late into the night so its usually just me and Levi but sometimes Levi goes to a friends house after school and I stay here alone. Now tell me about you."

"Well my name is Morgan, I'm 15 also, I like to penyboard also I sometimes go to school on it is I don't feel like driving, I am an only child and I jut moved here the only people I have talked to since I moved her was my parents ,you and a girl who I judt met today named Brie. I didn't have many friends at my other school either so I didn't expect this school to be any different. My parents usually work late if not they are on business trips. And that's it."

I have no idea why I just opened up to him. It all just came out. I didn't even think before speaking.

After that we just talked about like totally random stuff. We acted like we were best friends. I liked it. I like the way I felt as we talked. I think I'm falling for Sam Pottorff. To bad he is to perfect to fall for me.


Hey lovelys I wanted to make this chapter kind of long bc the first one was so short.

Any who comment on what you think is gonna happen.

And please please please share my story bc I would really appreciate that

thanks for reading

Byeee lovelys

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