The Hospital Wing

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Hermione was tugging on Harry's sleeve and looking down at her watch, "We've got exactly ten minutes to get to the hospital without being seen before Dumbledore locks the door and-"

y/n linked arms with Harry, pulling him with her as she began to run in the direction of the hospital. Harry tried his best to keep staring at the sky where Sirius and Buckbeak were somewhere escaping their wrongful persecution. She grabbed Hermione's hand as she passed her to give her the much-needed momentum they needed to make it back before it was too late.

They sprinted down the various corridors, almost mindlessly, their feet somehow knowing (or at least y/n hoped) where to take them. As they turned a corner, they heard voices at the other end. They slipped around the corner and listened intently, waiting for the safe time to continue their dash. It sounded like Snape and the Minister.

"... and the kiss will be performed immediately?" Snape was saying.

"As soon as Macnair collects the dementors and returns to the castle with them. This whole Black affair has been extremely embarrassing for me. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to talking to the prophet and telling them the good news. I daresay that they would like to interview you, Snape. And once young Potter and l/n are back in their right minds, I expect they'd tell them all about how you saved them..."

y/n felt Harry tense next to her as he glared at Snape's back as they continued down the hall, finally passing them and their footsteps fading away and their voices becoming distant murmurs.

They waited a few moments to be sure that they were gone, before leaving their hiding place and running in the opposite direction towards the hospital wing. 

Down one staircase - up another - along with a corridor - through a classroom - before turning into the corridor with the entrance to the hospital wing at the very end. They crept along the walls, still wary of being seen, then the door opened slightly and Dumbledore's back appeared.

"I'm going to lock you in," They heard him say, "It's five minutes to midnight Miss Granger, three turns should do it. Good luck." 

Dumbledore back out of the room closed the door and pulled out his wand to magically lock it. In a panic, the three ran forwards towards Dumbledore who looked up and gave them a bright smile. "Well?" he whispered quietly.

"We did it! We saved them!" Harry said breathlessly.

"He's gone with Buckbeak, on his back," Hermione added.

Dumbledore beamed, "Well done, I think," he paused and listened intently for any signs of movement in the room behind the door, "I think you're all gone, get inside, I'll lock you in." 

He opened the door just enough for the three to slip back in. The wing was empty except for Ron who had a look of utter confusion on his face when he spotted his friends returning to their beds. "What just happened? You were there, and then you weren't but now your there!" He said all the while pointing at them hysterically.

"Ron, what are you talking about?" Harry asked, "Any idea guys?"

"None at all," Hermione said with a smirk, tucking the time turner into her jumper.

"Neither," y/n said, "Don't be ridiculous Ron how can anybody be in two places at once?" her smirk grew to a mischevious grin. 

The next moment, Madam Pomfrey came back into the hospital wing in a very bad mood indeed, "Has the Headmaster gone? Can I care for my patients now?"

y/n accepted the chocolate quietly, thinking it best to do what the nurse said. But as the three of them chewed quietly on the massive pieces of chocolate, barely being able to swallow from nerves, the listed above, tense with anxiety.

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