The Rescue of Buckbeak

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The three ran through the halls in a mad dash, Harry and y/n blindly following Hermione. She led them out of the castle and through the courtyard that they had passed through just a few hours ago. Hermione's pace did not falter as she continued to sprint across the bridge. y/n's nerves were beginning to kick as she felt the fear of the unknown creep in around her. 

"Hermione, wait!" Harry yelled after her, "Hermione would you please just tell me what it is we're doing?!" 

Then, Hermione came to an abrupt halt, causing y/n to run into Harry's back. y/n followed Harry and Hermione's stares to a creepily familiar scene playing out before them.

Herself, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco were down by a large stone. Hermione stormed up to Draco.

"You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" The Hermione by the rocks screamed at Draco. y/n looked between the two Hermione's, trying to decide if she had gone mad or not.

Then, the y/n down with the others marched up to Draco, taking her wand and aiming it right at his neck. Draco cowered in fear and tried to back away from her but he was trapped. y/n had never imagined being able to see herself in such a fury. She was almost scared of herself.

"y/n no!" Ron yelled, his leg still intact and standing up straight.

"Give me one reason Ron! One reason not to curse this bastard into the next century!" the other y/n screamed.

"This is not normal," The Harry next to y/n said before he and herself were being pulled back by Hermione into the cover of darkness.

Hermione retrieved the long gold chain from inside her jumper, "This is a time-turner. McGonagall gave it to me first term. It's how I've been getting to all of my classes." she explained.

"So you mean, we've gone back in time?" Harry said in disbelief.

"Yes, Dumbledore obviously wanted us to return to this moment and change something. Something that could save Sirius!"

y/n looked at the necklace with intrigue, "But, time turners are illegal! The only people allowed to use them are the Ministry." y/n said, still in shock by what she had just seen. She had just gone back in time.

"McGonagall convinced the Ministry that I would only use it for my studies. But, I guess that wasn't completely true." Hermione said turning back to watch the squabble continue below.

"You're not worth the effort," the past y/n spat. And just as quickly as pst y/n turned away, past Hermione came charging in and pounded Draco right in the nose. Hard.

"Nice punch," Harry complimented Hermione as they watched on in amusement. 

"Thanks," Hermione replied, "Oh no, they're coming up this way. Quick! Hide!" 

The three jumped out from they're hiding place at the end of the bridge and leapt behind a large stone wall. They heard Draco and his two goons running up the hill in a hurry, not too keen to cop another punch. "Not a word of this to anyone! You hear?" Draco said in a muffled voice with his hand over his bruised nose. 

 "Crura verbera!" came another voice and a spell hit the group of Slytherins. Yelps and winces of pain grew quieter and quieter as the three retreated back to the castle.

"I almost forgot about that." Said the present y/n as she watches Draco run away from the invisible whips aiming for his ankles and legs. Maybe that would teach him some manners. 

The three watched on as they're passed selves and Ron proceeded down the hill to Hagrid's place. They quickly moved from one hiding place to another, one where they had a clear view of Hagrid's hut, his pumpkin patch, and Buckbeak sitting in the setting sunlight with a melancholy look adored on his beaked face.

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