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"Marni Bear?! You are hugging me too tight!" Amina was my best Friend. The had a soft country accent and golden hair. She was the tall, preppy, sweet girl everyone loved. She was always there for me. Even if she didn't understand a word six year old me would say about the stars she never left me. She was the only one who understood me. Yet she was five years older, but still acted liked a giddy child on occasion. I had missed her so much ever since Amina and her family left years ago from their home next door. We kept in contact by calls on the phone and dumb postcards. But all of it kind of slowly stopped. I started to think she forgot about me. "Sorry! I just...missed you." I said looking down. She rose and cuffed my round face. "Hey! Me too!" I looked up at her face and she was gleaming with happiness. As she let go of me she entered the house. "So what brings you here Mina?" I asked eyeing the suitcase she was carrying. "Well..." she said slowly, turning her head. "Ive decided to-." A thump from the second floor interrupted her. "Is your granny alright?!" She yelp heading for the stairs. I immediately ran in front of her blocking her from the steps. "SHE IS FINE! Yeah she is fine." I said with a small grin. As we began to walk back toward the couch there was another thump. We both jumped a little. "UHM-help yourself to s-some cookies. I will go check on m-my- be right back!" I said nervously as i rushed toward my room. I barged in and found him sitting in a pile of books reading a book about the solar system. He looks up at me and starts to ask,"Hey did you know Jupiter is-." I interrupt him with an aggressive whisper. "Is the largest planet in the solar system. I know i know. Ive read it like a hundred times. WHAT ARE YOU DOING-?!" He stands up calmly. "Looking around. You like outer space i see." He says while looking around my bedroom. I didn't just like it. I loved it. There were paper cut outs of planets hanging from my ceiling. Posters and old drawings posted all around the walls. Books galore about all of it. I loved to learn, think, and imagine it. Science was my best subject. I was the best in my class. It was all something i admired. It was- . "Beautiful. You and your'e mother together." I looked at him confused as I followed where he was pointing. There was the last photo i took with my mother before she left on my bedside table. But how did he know that was her? " did you-?" I was then interrupted by a scared Amina. "OH MY! LET HER GO!" We both turned around shocked. I begin to explain. "Oh no! I was tending to some injuries earlier he had and i let him in my room to rest. Didn't want to scare you." I point to the wrapped bandage on his arm. He looks at me nodding. She then says with a sigh of relief. "Oh! Well! Sorry I uh will start dinner?" I look at the alarm clock beside me in awe that it was nearing five o'clock.
After a little while Amina had to visit the town Market to buy ingredients for pasta. She made sure granny was taken care of before she left because she wanted me to "keep an eye on the boy". We both sat side by side on my bed. I examined him while he read another one of my books. I began to think again. How does he know some of these things about me. "Hey. Who are you?" I say bluntly. He looks at me interested. "Nova." "Where are you from?" "Here" i move closer to him. "I don't think thats the truth..." he closes the book firmly and looks me in my eyes. "It is Marni." "How do you know who I am?" He looks at me with sad eyes. "I just know." I suddenly hear noises coming from the kitchen and decide to get up and walk towards the door. "Amina is back. You can stay for dinner if you like...?" I turn around expecting him to be there but all there was, was an open window letting in a slight breeze. A sudden rush if loneliness washed over my body. What are you? Nova.
Later that night, Amina and I were washing dishes. She then asks with a curious expression," So he just said he was fine and said he had to go?" I nod. I had to tell her something. "Well that sure is weird. Weirder than me movin in next door." I turn to look at her smiling face. "Really?!" "Yeah. I was like why not buy my childhood home. The movers should be coming tomorrow morning. And that isn't all. I bought a flower shop near the town market. Its been ready to open for months now." "Thats you who owns that store? Im so glad!" She then hugs me tightly. "I will be here for you and granny. You can also work with me." I start to smile hugging her back. I then whisper, " I would love to."
A couple days have passed and nothing strange has really happened. Amina moved in and opened up her flower shop. Today i was there helping set up store front while she went out to take care of some errands. I then hear the customer bell ring on the door. " Sorry. We aren't open right now-." I then jump as i hear an eery familiar voice. "Oh really?! Well ya are now LOSER!" I was in for a ride.

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