
Start from the beginning

"That's a mean joke, even for you," he teased, standing and placing his hands on Lindy's hips to tug her forward.

"Another failed attempt to be funny," Lindy grinned, feeling her body spark with thrilled energy to once again be with Kurt. He kissed her, deepening the kiss for much longer than he probably should have in a public setting. It took effort on Lindy's part to pull away, regretfully ignoring the ache of desire that spread down to her thighs.

Another downfall of Kurt's rehab — two months, so far, without sex. A harrowing record set for them both in the time that they'd been reunited.

"Don't," Lindy breathed, moving her head to the side and feeling a strand of Kurt's blonde hair catch on her eyelashes. "Or else I'm going to end up begging you to come home for a day."

"I've thought about it," Kurt admitted with a look of longing, squeezing his fingers tighter around Lindy's waist. When Lindy saw a nurse cross a path that wasn't too far away from them, she stepped away from Kurt and flushed red.

"So come home," she taunted, sliding into the seat opposite of where Kurt had been waiting. He sat too, smiling in a way that told Lindy he would have to unfortunately let her down.

"If I wasn't so fucking scared to disappoint you, I would."

"You can't ever disappoint me," Lindy disagreed, automatically reaching for his hand.

"Yes I can. Trust me," Kurt sighed. It was like Lindy could read his mind; she knew he was thinking about heroin and its lustrous call to fill his veins. It was still a threat, one that had yet to subside out of their lives.

"How's your stomach?" Lindy asked suddenly. The thought of heroin had reminded her of Kurt's ongoing stomach problems, which had come back shortly before the day in the greenhouse. Heroin had kept the pain at bay, but Kurt's abandonment of the drug had been destined to stir it up once more.

"The pain is almost gone," Kurt said proudly. "The doctors still don't know what it was. No one gives a shit, I think. I mean it doesn't matter now, with it finally going away again. But fuck, I thought the stomach pains alone would kill me."

"They won't now. I'm so happy it's going away, Kurt. You're so much closer to coming home," Lindy said.

"Speaking of homes . . ." Kurt started. "Have you been looking?"

Lindy grimaced. Only a few weeks prior, Kurt had instructed Lindy to go house-hunting for a place where they would be able to live together and raise the baby, and Frances too when she wasn't with Courtney. He and Rosemary had finished the process of dismantling he and Courtney's shared bank account, and now that he alone possessed his money, Kurt was more than ready for Lindy to spend it. He had even asked Rosemary to accompany Lindy on these house tours in case she found one that she was keen to buy.

But Lindy was nowhere near ready.

It was admittedly true that she and Kurt would need a bigger place if they planned on moving in together. Her apartment, her safe place for all those years, was simply not fit for a young family who planned to have a full time newborn baby and an almost two-year-old hanging around.

Kurt was enthusiastic about Lindy finding a house for them both and expected her to be fit to do it on her own, but Lindy had come to the conclusion that it wasn't right to buy a house with Kurt's money without Kurt. She had tried, of course, but each time she had backed out, unable to put even a dime down on any house that she had previewed.

It was a task she had planned to do with him, not by herself. She was content to house them both in her apartment until they could find a place together. The baby would sleep in her room for the time being; she was sure that together, they wouldn't take long to decide on a home once Kurt was freed from rehab.

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