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                 FOR THE FIRST time in her life, Lindy was sad to see another year come and go. For as long as she could remember, she had relished in every New Years Eve, cheering with relief once the clock hit midnight and another year was left in the past. But nineteen-eighty-seven had been so good to Lindy that she was having a hard time letting go, fearing her luck would run out with the coming of an unpredictable new year.

Standing outside in the snowy night, Lindy smoked a cigarette, leaning against the front of Krist, Shelli and Kurt's house. A party was in full swing inside, as all of their Aberdeen friends had journeyed to Seattle for celebrations. Even Trae had come, bringing along his shiny new girlfriend named Allie. From what Lindy could tell, she was a sweet girl who seemed good for her brother.

Taking a long pull off of her cigarette, Lindy continued to silently hope for an even greater coming year. She could only count on her good fortunate to thrive. For too many years to count, she'd been beaten down with bad circumstances, but her life felt positive now. She was finally on track to a place that was bright and good and happy.

She probably should have gone back to the party but oddly enough, the overwhelming joy of the night had made her light-headed, so she'd escaped outside for a smoke to calm her nerves. It was soothing. watching the clouds of smoke adhere to the frosty atmosphere, staying intact for much longer than they would have in the spring or summertime mugginess.

"Hey," a quiet voice called. Lindy turned her head, seeing Kurt slip out the front door and bunch his hands into his coat pockets.

"Hey," she said concernedly, dropping her cigarette to the ground and grinding it out with her shoe. She met Kurt halfway, trying to catch a glimpse at his face. He was pale. Much paler than usual.

"Are you okay?" she asked him, touching her hands to his arms with an expression of worry. Kurt nodded hastily.

"Yeah, yeah, I am," he swallowed. "It's just . . . my stomach. It was hurting really badly. I had to lay down."

"Have you eaten today?" Lindy inquired, brushing the back of her hand to Kurt's forehead.

"Yes," he answered straightaway. Lindy frowned.

"Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese isn't the most hearty meal, Kurt."

"Linds, I'm fine, I promise," he assured her, determined to steer her attention away from his pain and back to the party. "Come inside. Everyone is asking for you."

They both went back into the house, which had turned into an absolute madhouse of celebration. Shelli had taken the liberty of decorating the house with dollar-store bought embellishments, and Krist had gotten every kind of beer under the sun. He and Kurt had been making decent money with their janitorial jobs, so the night had been a splurge of sorts.

"Lindy!" Trae yelled from across the room, pushing through the thicket of guests while pulling Allie behind him.

"Hey big brother," Lindy smiled.

Lindy could tell by his cloudy eyes and loopy grin that Trae had exceeded his usual levels of intoxication. 

"Lindy, Lindy, Lindy. It's a damn shame you don't live closer to me. You and Allie here would get along great," he crowed. Allie smiled shyly, hiding behind her blonde hair in embarrassment.

"Looks like you've taken a leaf out of Krist's book," Lindy laughed. She flashed a charming smile at Allie before throwing her arm around the girl's shoulder.

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