Chapter 24 part 2; The blue lights

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I looked at Ben, looking for answers he just gave me a toothy grin.
-"See Dean, I want you in my crew, I need you in my crew," he said capriciously.
-"Your crew seems more like a cult Ben." I retorted looking at the keys in my hand, what the hell is this? I wanted to leave, I wanted to run the other direction, but this, this just got a lot more interesting. Ben laughed, finding my sarcasm amusing, I guess.
-"From town and back, if I get here first, you'll join my crew," he said, aroused almost.
my skin started to feel prickly, I didn't like that gleam in his eyes, yet, his arrogance pissed me off even more.
-"A race?" I asked. Ben nodded, a full spectrum of expressions showing up on his face.
-"isn't that illegal?" I asked uneasily.
-"if you're gonna race to beat me, they'll never catch you," he said licking his bottom lip, the carefree and mild Ben was gone now, in his place stood a thrill-seeking monster, with a dangerous glint in his dark eyes and for some reason, I wanted to throw my dice in too.
-"What if I get here first?" I asked, of course, I wasn't going to gamble with the stakes this high and no price.
-"You've been working so hard on my car, I know you want to get paid right? So get here first," he said with a sly smirk. of course, I wanted to get paid, it was my money, but for him to hold it over my head this way, how dirty! Now I wanted to do this even more.
-"fine." I gambled as if it didn't matter. All I knew now is that it wasn't even about the money, I just wanted to beat Ben and wipe away his fastidious smile.

I felt like I ran to Kyle's car. He followed behind me to give me the instructions for it, but I knew how everything worked, I knew a car just as much as I knew the palm of my hand. His car was manual like mine, so this was already known territory for me.
-"I've never driven a Mustang before," I told Kyle as I settled in the driver's seat and gripped along the steering wheel, the inside of Kyle's car was completely modded, well it was to be expected, this was a racing car after all. Kyle grinned at me.
-"Can I come with you?" he asked with excitement in his voice. I laughed hard at his question.
-"It's your car, dude," I answered, he quickly ran to the other side without even giving me a second thought.
-"Most drivers rather be alone," He said, buckling in, -"At least Ben finds it hard to race with people next to him, he feels like he needs to be more careful." Kyle continued.
-"So he drives like a maniac?" I asked almost concerned,
-"No" Kyle answered, -"It's more like; he's not scared of dying," he said with a tone that sent shivers down my back.

-"Well then, Call me suicidal from now on, because I'm not letting him win." Determination burned in my eyes. Kyle laughed at my declaration.
-"Hey, Dean." Kyle said -"I'm betting on you," he said confidently.
-"And why is that?" I asked.

-"That car you're fixing for Ben what noise did it made when you turned it on?" he asked.
-"Oh that, Yeah it was pretty terrible wasn't it? I know exactly what's wrong though and I can fix it, I already told Ben, But besides the noise, it runs just fine, it's a Corolla, so it should survive." I explained to him, he looked at me and smiled.

-"At the start of summer this year" he began, still looking at me -"Juan and Ben found that car on the side of the road, Here it's pretty common to find abandoned cars, so they were not surprised, They took it back to Ben's. We figured it could be a fun project to Mod the absolute loving shit out of the car, so we all took turns on it." Kyle stopped and started chuckling.
-"What's so funny?" I asked confused and very intrigued by this story.
-"We didn't hear a noise!" He explained, I arched a brow.
-"Did I break it?" I knew I wasn't as polished as these guys thought me out to be so I wasn't really surprised, It was a matter of changing a part so, I wasn't really all that discouraged.
-"No. You didn't." Kyle said smiling wide at me, I was beginning to think he liked me a lot, He looked at me the way a child looks at a brand new toy, full of wonder and happiness.
-"You see, we didn't hear a noise because we couldn't turn it on." He said Bursting out in laughter. I swallowed, There's no way, I was replaying what I had done to it in my head over and over.  I didn't realize when the laughter left my lips, I didn't quite understand what was so funny, but it felt liberating, to laugh this way, to be this free, that's what being with Blaire felt like... 

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