Start from the beginning

"Special? She's wrong. Your mother was pushed down in the street during that explains so much..." My father looked down on me with such blatant disgust, and I couldn't do a thing. I was used to it, and now, likely because of how I had acted before when our guests had been at our house...I was going to pay the ultimate price. "Move aside or you'll meet the same fate. I don't take insubordination lightly..."

"We're your children, you fucking psycho!" Dimitri yelled, and that was what sealed our fate. It didn't take much; just a swift shove, and we were both tipping backwards.

"DIMITRI!" I screamed and squeezed my eyes shut, but we stopped tilting. Beyond scared, I barely had the courage to open my eyes, but when I did, I came face to face with Nicholas. He was holding on tight to Dimirti's collar, and his normally dull (E/C) eyes were wide and filled with shock.

"Nicholas...Release them..." Our father was standing there without a hint of emotion. Not a smile, nor a frown. There was nothing to read on his withering face.

"W..with all due respect, Sir...I don't think I can..." I don't think I had heard him speak since before he had left to become a cadet. His voice was deep and rough, but it was shaking, just like I was, and just like Dimitri was as he clung onto me for dear life.

"Release them." Again, that was all our father said, though the light of the moon glinted off his eyes; the same colour we shared, and it made me feel more broken than I had before.

"S..Sir...please...There has to be some other way...I can't..."

"Nicholas (L/N), release them immediately. That is an order." I could feel him flinch, even though he wasn't touching me directly. His eyes flickered between mine and Dimitri's, and I could almost see my reflection in those glossy irises.

"N..nic...Please...Don't do it..." Dimitri stuttered out as he nearly crushed the air out of me with his arms. The wind was licking at our skin, and everything was silent, save for our three ragged breaths puffing out in unison. Once more, Nicholas looked down at me and pulled his lip between his teeth; shutting his eyes and shaking his head.

"Y..yes Sir..."

Falling in itself wasn't what was terrifying. No, it was looking down and seeing the flat, unbreakable ground below; steadily growing closer to shatter our bodies and jumble our organs. I couldn't scream, I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't move. The only thing that tore me out of my trance was when I couldn't see the ground anymore. I could only see Dimitri, and the flurry of his ginger hair and tears wilding around his freckled face and up into the air we had left behind.

"I love you, okay?! I love you so much, (N/N), and I'm going to try to protect you, okay?! You gotta live for me, yeah?! Promise me that you'll live!" He was yelling, but between us, it sounded more like a hushed whisper. Holding onto him, I shook my head frantically, and it felt like the monstrous updraft was going to spin my head all the way around.


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It was. Oh, I knew it was, and I knew there was no hope. Dimitri's fingers grasped onto me tightly; urgently, and he pulled me as close to his body as he possibly could, fighting for me against the force pulling me up and away.

"You're so special, (N/N)! You're the best little sister I could have asked for! You gotta promise me! You gotta promise me that you'll-"

The last thing I heard that night was a sickening crack...






***Yet again, I made myself a baby just to kill him immediately...oof...Anyway, the whole 'Meat Tree' thing was an auto-correct but I thought it sounded cute? Same with Ham to Ham hahaha. In the chapter header is a quick lil sketch set I did of the other members of the (L/N) family, too.

Oh, and before I forget, I've changed it so that at graduation from the cadets, all the characters such as Eren, Mikasa, Jean etc are 18, for certain reasons. Thanks for reading!***

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